Health and wellbeing

5 things you might not realise about art therapy

5 things you might not realise about art therapy
Getting creative in an art therapy session can help people affected by death, dying and bereavement. It's a gentle but powerful way to reach into deep, emotional places without having to find the right words.
Art therapy is a way of using art materials in the presence of a trained art therapist to express thoughts, feelings or experiences. I've run many different groups in my time at the Marie Curie Hospice, Hampstead  – for carers, for couples and families, bereavement support groups, drop-ins and open studio groups.
They generally start with a check-in to see how everyone is, then time to do art making (individually or working together on a group piece), followed by time to reflect together on what has been made. In some groups, themes or prompts are given.
It's important to distinguish between art activities and art therapy. For many people who are grieving, creative activities – like a pottery day course – are a valuable way to process grief, and don't require the involvement of a therapist.
However, if someone's finding managing the activities of daily life too hard, or they feel anxious or overwhelmed by their emotions, they should consider seeking bereavement support, which may include working with an art therapist. Art therapists can also support and empower people living with any terminal illness, and their carers, family and friends.
Here are five things you might not realise about art therapy:

1. It can help when you're lost for words

People who are struggling with their mental health or emotional wellbeing but find it hard to communicate through talking are likely to benefit from art therapy. In a hospice setting this can be because physical illness makes talking hard, or because it can feel impossible to know how to put the enormity of living with terminal illness into words. Art therapy provides safe opportunities for catharsis and expression of feelings, and supports changes of perspective through self-reflection.

2. It can give you agency and confidence

People may be referred for art therapy to strengthen their sense of autonomy (using the art materials puts the person into 'active mode'), to find new coping strategies and to develop creative resources. In the context of palliative care, patients sometimes use art therapy to make legacy pieces for those close to them. Art therapy can help people recalibrate their sense of themselves and get the best out of life now.

3. You don't need to be 'good at art'

Art therapy can be used by people living with advanced illnesses, their carers and family, and those who have been bereaved. Most importantly, people don't need to have art skills or be 'good at art'. The art therapist will help people learn what the art can do and support them to use the materials. What happens in sessions may spark art activities that a person can do at home. However, I'd suggest that an initial meeting with an art therapist is the first step for those who are curious.

4. Art therapy is accessible to everyone

Art therapy is an incredibly broad and flexible psychological approach that engages people of all ages – I've worked with three-year-olds and 93-year-olds! It's also accessible for people from different cultural and educational backgrounds. Art therapy can help address many issues, including: reactions to diagnosis (such as shock, anger, fear, disbelief), altered body image, feelings of isolation and the need for communication, feelings of loss and change in lifestyle, health, work and relationships, sharing 'unacceptable' feelings without fear of hurting others, recalling memories and important life events, and any other concerns or anxieties you may have. Marie Curie has a free booklet, Living with a terminal illness, that you might also find helpful – you can order or download a copy online.

5. You can even join groups online

One important outcome of the recent pandemic is the shift to working online. I now run a hybrid art therapy group combining in-person and online members. This allows people who may be feeling too unwell to make the journey into the hospice, or those in the hospice but in isolation due to ill health, to still be part of the group. I have a call with anyone who wants to join a group online and give them a leaflet that details everything they need to know and any materials it might be useful to gather, such as paints, paper and magazines for collaging. I've found offering blocks of six sessions a good way to build group cohesion for outpatients attending art therapy. But for in-patients who may only be resident in the hospice for a short time, I run a drop-in open studio art therapy group which allows for single session experiences, and that works well.
Inspired to try art therapy? GPs are increasingly aware of art therapists in their patch, so talking to your doctor is a good place to start. The British Association of Art Therapists hosts an online directory of art therapists. If you're interested in art therapy and being supported by a Marie Curie Hospice, ask a member of staff about sessions available to you.
Art therapists are regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and it is illegal for anyone who isn't qualified and registered with HCPC to use the title 'Art therapist'.
Published: 12 Sept 2023
Updated: 30 Jan 2025

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