I've been a Marie Curie Nurse for 10 years. Most people are struggling when they come to the hospice because they can't be cared for at home. To be able to help someone go through the end of their life with dignity and be part of making the transition easier for them is so rewarding.
I'm a ward sister at the Marie Curie Hospice, Hampstead. My role involves providing clinical leadership and supporting the nurses and healthcare assistants. I oversee all risk assessments and ensure people receive the highest quality care.
We're here to help people go peacefully and comfort the family too
I'm proud to be a Marie Curie Nurse because we're helping patients and relatives to die in peace, with dignity and no pain.
Some people are quite restless at the end of life. When we manage to help them be comfortable, it's easier for them and a great comfort to those left behind. We can make a big difference by being there and listening to them.
Sometimes it's hard to have sensitive communication about the end of life but we manage by listening carefully and being very sensitive. Social workers are a big part of our team, and we always invite people for bereavement support when they're struggling.
You become part of their family
Most of the relatives want to be with their loved one at the end of their lives, so we spend time with people's families and invite them to stay over.
We're always patient and sensitive because we're treating those we care for as our own family. This really comforts people. We always let them know we're here for them and their loved one if they need anything.
When relatives thank us, or even invite us to funerals, it makes me feel good because I know we've done something good for that person and their family. We've treated them like our own.
One woman was my age and had two daughters, like me
She came to the hospice for symptom control while she was able to walk but ended up coming as an in-patient when her health deteriorated.
She became bed bound and it broke my heart seeing her like that – especially seeing her all the time with her two girls going out in the hospice garden together.
In the end she wasn't mobile, so we took her out in the garden in her bed. This made a big difference for her because she really enjoyed being outside in nature with her daughters and husband. They were all really appreciative.
Funding keeps us going
A good end of life is when the patient is comfortable, not in pain, not restless and family can stay with them. Restless patients make their families feel anxious and distressed. When we manage to make the patient comfortable, free of pain and their treatment is smooth, that's the best end of life.
Sometimes there's a shortage of staff, but we manage. We don't make it visible to the person with a terminal illness or their relatives.
Without our help, people can really struggle. Funding enables us to look after people in the hospice and the community. It keeps us going, so we can continue to help families who are dealing with the stress of looking after someone they love at the end of their lives.
By sponsoring a Marie Curie Nurse, you can help us be there for more people during their last months, days and hours. Sponsor a Nurse and make sure no one is left to struggle when they need us most.