Drop-off donation form
You don't currently need an appointment to drop off at our charity shops, but you can use this form to sign up to Gift Aid before you visit us.
When you sign up to Gift Aid, we can claim an extra 25p from HM Revenue and Customs for every £1 we raise from selling your goods – at no cost to you!
You must be a UK taxpayer and have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax that is at least equal to the tax that Marie Curie and other charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs you donate to will reclaim on your donations in a tax year.
By completing this form you confirm that you would like Marie Curie Trading Limited to treat all donations that you make, or have made in the last four years, as Gift Aid donations (until you notify us otherwise or this agreement is terminated). You understand that if you pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in the current tax year it is your responsibility to pay any difference.
You can view the full Retail Gift Aid Terms and Conditions here .
Find out your nearest store here .