[Your Message will appear here]
Step 1 of 4
Characters left: 240
Accepted file types are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif. The file must be smaller than 200kb.
Looking to send this card to more than one person? Simply add more recipients below.
Please select a CSV containing your recipients names and email addresses in the field below.
The first column should contain the recipient name, and the second should contain a their valid email address.
Alternatively you can download this example file. When saving your changes, make sure the file is saved as a CSV.
Step 2 of 4
Step 3 of 4
You are sending 1 card to be sent out immediately. We'd suggest the following donation amounts:
Could help fund Heating in a Hospice for an hour
Could help fund an electricity bill for a Hospice for an hour
Could help fund one hour of vital nursing care
Any amount will help us support people across the UK through dying, death and bereavement