My story

Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences by completing this form. Please answer the following questions so we can fully understand what you’ve been going through.

We ask for your details in order to contact you about sharing your story only. To find out more about how we use your personal information, please read our supporter privacy policy.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Have you been helped by Marie Curie? If yes, please tick the relevant box below.

Have you done any fundraising, volunteering, campaigning or been involved in any research projects for Marie Curie? If so, please give some details.

What have you, or your loved one, been diagnosed with?*

What date were you or your loved one diagnosed?* If you don't remember the exact date, just the month or year is helpful. 

What's your story?* This is your opportunity to tell us what’s been happening. Please give us an overview of your experience so we can fully understand what you’ve been through. For example, symptoms, diagnosis, the impact or any problems/issues you may have faced.

Have you or a loved one experienced poor care, or struggled financially, while living with a terminal illness? This could help our campaigns for improved care and support for all terminally ill people and their families.

What does a good end of life experience mean to you?

The information you’ve given us will only be used to contact you about your story. We will not use your story or pass the details recorded in this form, or provided to us at a later date, to any other organisation without your permission.

The information will be stored on our database for a maximum of five years. You can withdraw your consent at any time. To find out more about how we use your personal information, please read our supporter privacy policy.