Being cared for at home
Planning care at home, professionals who can help, and getting support.
A list of all our resources and booklets for anyone affected by terminal illness in the UK.
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Planning care at home, professionals who can help, and getting support.
Caring for someone at home, tips for personal care and symptom management
This booklet explains what care may be available, what you can expect from it, and who to ask for help.
Becoming a carer, help from professionals, financial support, understanding your feelings and looking after yourself
A guide for people living with a terminal illness
How pain can be managed and treated effectively
A guide to making the most of your energy
A guide to breathing techniques, medicines and other things that can help
Methods of eating and drinking, how to get support, and how to talk to healthcare professionals about eating and drinking problems.
What causes difficulty swallowing, how it might affect you, and what support is available
What a syringe driver is, why you might have one, how it works and things to look out for.
What pressure damage is, signs to look out for, and ways to prevent it.
Understanding build-up of fluid in the abdomen (ascites) and how it can be treated
Types of exercise, why it’s important, how much is needed and exercising safely
How different things can affect your risk of falling and gives practical tips to help you stay safe and avoid falls.
Coping with change, understanding your feelings, taking care of yourself and accessing support
Making decisions about future care, making a Will and setting up a power of attorney
Addresses questions and concerns that LGBTQ+ people may have about getting care and planning ahead.
Information to help you prepare for the loss of a partner, relative or friend
What grief is and how to get support
Practical and emotional help at a difficult time
Practical and emotional help at a difficult time
Practical and emotional help at a difficult time
An easy read booklet for people living with an illness that they will probably die from. It tells you about who can help you
An easy read booklet for people living with an illness they will probably die from. It tells you about work and money
An easy read booklet for people living with an illness they will probably die from. It tells you about your family and friends
An easy read booklet for people living with an illness they will probably die from. It tells you about how you might feel and what might help
An easy read booklet for people living with an illness that they will probably die from. It tells you about how to keep comfortable, healthy and happy
An easy read booklet for people who look after a friend or family member. It tells you about who can help
An easy read booklet for people who look after a friend or family member. It tells you about how you can look after yourself
An easy read booklet for people who look after a friend or family member. It tells you about work, money, and benefits
An easy read booklet to help with feelings after someone dies. It tells you about the feelings you might have and things you could do to help you feel better.
Information about planning ahead and what to expect
Information for you and the people caring for you | Gwybodaeth i chi a’r bobl sy’n gofalu amdanoch
Support for you and those close to you | Cefnogaeth i chi a’ch anwyliaid
Practical and emotional help at a difficult time | Help ymarferol ac emosiynol ar adeg anodd
This booklet explains how poverty affects people at the end of life and ways professionals can address it.