Media centre

Contact the press office for media and PR enquiries.

Contact the press office

Tel: 0845 073 8699


Please note this email is not monitored 24 hours a day. For urgent media enquiries after 5.30pm, at weekends and on bank holidays please call.

Julie Pearce


Who we can offer to provide media comment on our work, or the subjects of death, dying and bereavement.


Portraying terminal illness

The Marie Curie Media Team are happy to have informal chats or facilitate discussions with journalists, producers, or authors who will be portraying terminal illness in their work. Recent discussions include:

  • one of our medical experts providing advice to a TV producer for a terminal illness storyline
  • a discussion about visual representation of hospices and how they differ from hospitals
  • a research chat with a TV drama producer about terminal cancer diagnosis and condition progression.
Online chat Chat is closed
Reopens tomorrow at 10AM