Marie Curie Spotlight On...

A series of free in-person learning events for health and social care professionals in the East of England.


At Marie Curie, we're committed to opening up the conversation and increasing understanding on important issues relating to dying, death and bereavement. That's why we're hosting a series of new, fully funded, expert-led learning forums for health and social care workers in the East of England, kicking off with:

Spotlight on... anticipatory medicines

2-4pm, Thursday 16 March 2023
Holiday Inn Basildon, Cranes Farm Road, Waterfront Walk, Basildon, SS14 3DG

Ever wondered what 'just in case' or 'anticipatory' medicines are for and how they should be used? Are your patients concerned about having them at home?

Attend this event to:

  • boost your knowledge and understanding of anticipatory medicines
  • gain confidence in talking to and reassuring patients about their use
  • meet and gain practical advice from our experienced Marie Curie team
  • discuss and share experiences with peers in the care profession.

Register now

Places are limited! Reserve your place for free today.


Event details

1.15pm   Registration
2pm Welcome and introduction
2.05pm Anticipatory medicines explained
Anita Brain, Clinical Nurse Manager, Marie Curie
2.30pm Anticipatory medicines in practice
Marie Curie Healthcare Assistant with experience of anticipatory medicines on a professional and personal level
3pm Café conversations
Discussion and networking at tables with refreshments
3.50pm Further resources
4pm Close