
Better End of Life Report 2024

Published: 19 Nov 2024
Updated: 29 Jan 2025
This important new research is the largest nationally representative survey of people affected by dying, death and bereavement since 2015.
It provides clear evidence that too many people are unable to access the joined-up care and support they and their unpaid carers need at the end of life. Community support for palliative care is inadequate, with GP and District Nursing services stretched beyond capacity.
There are no two ways about it: care for dying people is in crisis.

The survey has provided bereaved people with an important opportunity to share how they feel about the care received before death, and their bereavement experiences...
It's essential to consider what we can learn from the experiences shared in this survey, including what worked well and what must be improved.
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group members

Key findings from the report

Symptom management

Too many people die in pain and without the support they need for their symptoms.
1 in 3 people were severely or overwhelmingly affected by pain in their final week of life.

Gaps in care

Gaps in 24/7 community care prevent people from dying in comfort at home.
1 in 2 people visited A&E at least once in their final three months of their life.

Inadequate coordination

Patients and unpaid carers suffer when communication and coordination are poor.
1 in 2 people were unhappy with at least one aspect of care the person who died received.

Insufficient capacity

Workforce capacity is insufficient to meet demand for palliative and end of life care.
1 in 5 people who died had no contact with a GP in the last three months of life.

Unsupported carers

Unpaid carers take on significant care and coordination roles with little support.
1 in 6 bereaved people met the criteria for 'disturbed' or complicated grief.

Now is the time for change

People at the end of life should be able to have the very best possible care. We know what works in improving access to palliative and end of life care close to home and in communities.
The UK and Welsh Governments urgently need to fix end of life care. As dying, death and bereavement affect us all, it's in everyone's interest to get this right.

With Dad we had no care at home. We had to keep going to A&E. It was awful. If it was a weekend there were never enough staff. It was just so chaotic. At home we were left to it.
My sister and I would drive huge distances late at night, completely exhausted, trying to find a chemist that had drugs for his pain.
Kate Dobbs, who cared for her father when he was dying.
Published: 19 Nov 2024
Updated: 29 Jan 2025

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