
Commissioned targeted calls

Find out about our targeted calls to commission specific research projects that help support ongoing activity at the charity, such as policy and campaigns activity.

Call for research to improve our understanding of hospital and ambulance service use by people in the final year of life

The aim of this commissioned project is to produce estimates of hospital and ambulance use by people in the final year of life. It will also produce a methodology that can be used to repeat these estimates in future.
Up to £40,000 (inclusive of VAT, if applicable) is available for this research project, depending upon the scope and scale of the plans to be delivered.
The fund is now open to applications, and will close on Monday 27 January at 10am. To apply, please complete the application form as well as the supplier information questionnaire for new suppliers.
Get in touch with the commissioning team at research.grants@mariecurie.org.uk to notify us if you intend to apply or for an early, informal conversation about your proposal before applying

Application form


Call for research to improve our understanding of access to palliative care medications for people on virtual wards

The aim of this commissioned project is to improve our understanding of the barriers and enablers to access to medications for people who may be in the final year of life admitted to virtual wards (also known as hospital at home services).
Up to £50,000 (inclusive of VAT, if applicable) is available for this research project, depending upon the scope and scale of the plans to be delivered.
The fund is now open to applications, and will close on Monday 27 January at 10am. To apply, please complete the application form as well as the supplier information questionnaire for new suppliers.
Get in touch with the commissioning team at research.grants@mariecurie.org.uk to notify us if you intend to apply or for an early, informal conversation about your proposal before applying.

Application form



Get in touch

If you have a question about the application process for Marie Curie research funding or would simply like to learn more, please get in touch with our Research team by emailing research.grants@mariecurie.org.uk.

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