Marie Curie is committed to its charitable aims and fundraises in order to provide care and research. We concur with the Fundraising Regulator's Promise to be open, honest, fair and legal.
This policy seeks to cover ethical issues and social responsibility within fundraising. All Marie Curie staff involved in fundraising have a responsibility to be aware of and have a thorough understanding of the ethical issues referred to in this policy.
This statement sets out our ethical policies around how we raise and use funds to fulfil our charitable goals.
Marie Curie respects the rights of its supporters to clear, truthful information on the work of Marie Curie; to openly report how we spend donated and statutory monies and to manage donors' information responsibly.
We will comply with the Charity Commission and UK law in every respect, including those regarding openness and honesty with our supporters and members of the public. As members of the Fundraising Regulator's scheme, we follow the Fundraising Promise, which helps to ensure that organisations raising money for charity from the public do so honestly and properly.
We will respect the privacy and contact preferences of all donors. We will respond promptly to requests to cease contacts or complaints and act as best we can to address their causes.
We abide by the law which requires us, in deciding whether to accept or refuse a donation, to consider which action is in the charity's best overall interest.
We will not, however, accept donations made by donors whose activities appear to be in direct conflict with the best interests of our patients, for instance companies that manufacture tobacco.
We will not undertake business with companies or individuals who participate in activities which could cause detriment to the charity's reputation; which will disproportionately decrease the amount of donations to further the work of the charity.
The responsibility of the judgement on whether Marie Curie should refuse a donation lies first with the Director of Fundraising; Executive Board and ultimately Council.
Commercial partners
Marie Curie will not endorse products, treatments or companies.
Use of donations
If supporters wish to make a donation to a specific area of Marie Curie's work (e.g. – Marie Curie Hospices or the Marie Curie Hospice Care at Home service), they may make a restricted donation by providing written instructions to this effect with their donation. We will always respect this.