

This statement is an extract from the Marie Curie Investment Policy, which was drawn up by the trustees of Marie Curie to meet the requirements of the Trustee Act 2000.
Please refer to the full statement for further information (available on request)
The purpose of this statement is to demonstrate the objectives of the investment policy and to describe the restrictions that the trustees and Management Board have decided to impose for ethical reasons.
The trustees have appointed investment managers to whom all day to day powers of investment management are delegated.

Investment objectives

The objectives of the investment policy are to maximise the total investment return from the funds invested, whether through income or capital growth within a medium risk profile.
The trustees, in delegating their investment management, require their investment managers to pay attention to the standard investment criteria, namely the suitability of the class of investment and the need for diversification insofar as appropriate to the circumstances of the charity. Any restrictions on the type of investments or markets in which the manager may invest on the charity's behalf will be given in writing.

Investment restrictions

All investment managers are instructed not to directly invest in any organisation predominantly involved in the production of tobacco products. Investment managers are instructed to advise the trustees where they become aware that the charity's funds have become invested in companies involved in tobacco products and act on the trustees' decisions.

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©2025 Marie Curie. Registered Charity, England and Wales (207994), Scotland (SC038731). Registered company limited by guarantee, England & Wales (507597). Registered Office: One Embassy Gardens, 8 Viaduct Gardens, London SW11 7BW
