
Paying in the money you've raised

The money you’ve raised will allow us to care for more people living with a terminal illness. Now it's time to send it in so it can start making a difference.


JustGiving is a brilliant little tool that makes donating or sponsoring super simple. All donations sent through a Marie Curie's JustGiving page come directly to us, so there’s no need to chase up donation money. Plus, any money that comes through after your event is over will come straight through as well.

Call us

Give us a ring on 0800 716 146 and let our lovely representative guide you through the process. Remember to let them know how you’ve raised your total!

By post

We love getting post. To send in your money, you'll need to post us:
  • your completed donation form
  • a cheque, if that’s how you want to send in your donation, attached to your banking form (cheques made payable to Marie Curie)
  • any completed sponsorship forms, if you used them.
Here’s our address:
Fundraising for Marie Curie
Supporter Relations Team
PO Box 23897
14 Links Place
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©2025 Marie Curie. Registered Charity, England and Wales (207994), Scotland (SC038731). Registered company limited by guarantee, England & Wales (507597). Registered Office: One Embassy Gardens, 8 Viaduct Gardens, London SW11 7BW
