
Make the most of JustGiving

Have you set up your JustGiving page yet? It's the quickest and simplest way to let people know you’re raising money for a vital cause.
We’ve also got a few tried and tested tips below to help you make the most of your page and get those donations rolling in!

Set a target

Setting a target will help to motivate you along the way, and it may also encourage your supporters to donate more. Make sure it covers your minimum sponsorship target if your event has one. Otherwise, don't be afraid to be bold!
According to JustGiving pros, pages with a target raise 46% more, so aim high and tell the world!

Tell your story

Pages with pictures or videos can raise 14% more... per photo! If you feel comfortable, tell your supporters why you're supporting Marie Curie, why you care and why you're taking on this challenge.
And keep on updating! Let your supporters know how you're doing and how your training is going.

Training tracker

Talking of training, you can now link your JustGiving page with Strava. This means people can see your progress, and it could even help you raise 40% more!

Get sharing

Share your JustGiving page using as many social media channels as possible. Regular visibility will encourage people to finally get round to making that donation they promised you. Don't be shy! People want to hear about the good things you're doing.
Don't forget about email too. Some of your networks may not use social media. Would your work mind if you added the link to your internal email signature? It's worth asking!

It's not over when you cross that finish line

Did you know that 20% of donations come in after the event? People want to see that medal photo, so show off and encourage those late donations!

Fundraising offline?

If you held a cake sale at work or used your paper sponsor form, an easy way to pay in that cash it to donate to your own page. The money comes straight to us, so you don't need to do anything else. Just be sure to answer the Gift Aid questions accurately when you donate.
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©2025 Marie Curie. Registered Charity, England and Wales (207994), Scotland (SC038731). Registered company limited by guarantee, England & Wales (507597). Registered Office: One Embassy Gardens, 8 Viaduct Gardens, London SW11 7BW
