Online Income Form Guide
Want to let us know how much money you have raised and how you raised it? The online income form is a quick and easy alternative to the paper Income Form.
Creating an account
The first time you use the Online Income form you’ll need to create an account. To register you’ll need to know your CARE ID number. This is your unique volunteer number. If you're not sure what yours is please ask your Community Fundraiser.
Completing the form
To let us know about income you have banked click on ‘create a new income form’ and follow the prompts.
In order to complete the form, you’ll need:
- the Paying in slip number (this is found on the paying in slip in the bottom left hand corner, or on the stub in the paying in book)
- if you’re banking income on behalf of someone else please have their details: full name and address including postcode. This helps us keep a record of who has supported Marie Curie, how they’ve fundraised and how much they have raised.
Tips for completing the form:
- You can edit part of the form at any time
- If you have banked more than one type of income on the same Paying-In Slip please add on each of these until the total matches that of the Paying-In Slip
- Keep your stamped Paying-In book stubs and bank receipts, your Community Fundraiser will let you know if they need to see these for any reason.
If you need help using the Online Income Form please call or our admin team on 0800 716 146. Please make a note of any error messages and explain this to our admin team as this will help us to identify the problem.
Different types of income
Make sure you select the type of income you have banked. This helps us see how much money is raised from different types of fundraising, so we can see what is the most profitable. We use this information to make and develop fundraising plans.
Type of income
Public Collections
Income from all collections in a public space. This includes:
- streets
- supermarkets
- shopping centres
- other venues.
This doesn’t include Great Daffodil Appeal collections.
Great Daffodil Appeal Public Collections
Income from collections in a public space, specifically during the Great Daffodil Appeal.
This includes:
- streets
- supermarkets
- shopping centres
- other venues.
Collection Tins
Income from tins placed on the counter top in businesses, shops and other organisations, often displayed at the till point.
This doesn’t include money from counter top daffodil boxes during the Great Daffodil Appeal
Daffodil Boxes
Income from trays of daffodil boxes placed on the counter top in businesses, shops and other organisations, often displayed at the till point. Specifically during the Great Daffodil Appeal
Event/activity organised by a supporter
Income you’re banking on behalf of someone else, when you haven’t been involved in the setting up or running of the event. Examples include:
- a golf club has a charity day
- an individual organised a sponsored head shave.
This shouldn’t be used for a simple donation it must be from an organised event/activity.
Fundraising Group Event
Income from an event your Fundraising Group has organised and run.
This shouldn’t be used to bank money for Marie Curie centrally organised events such as Blooming Great Tea Party/Dinner Down Memory Lane.
In Celebration donations
Donations made during special events, such as Weddings, Anniversaries and Birthdays.
In Memory donations
Donations made in memory of someone who has died
Funeral director donations
Donations that have reached you directly from a funeral director. This shouldn’t be used to bank donations from the family or next of kin.
General donation
A donation that you have been given to bank that isn’t linked to an activity, event, or in memory. This donation could be from a local person or business.
Blooming Great Tea Party
Income from a Blooming Great Tea Party, including money you’re paying in on behalf of someone else that has held their own Blooming Great Tea Party.
Home Collection Boxes
Money from home Collection Boxes are small cardboard boxes given to individuals to take home to fill with loose change over the year.
House to House Collections
Income from House to House donation envelopes that were put through letterboxes.
Marie Curie Merchandise
Income from Marie Curie items sold at an event, including Christmas cards, mugs, and tea towels.
Use the online income form
You can fill in the online form here.