Income processing

Managing your group’s income

Keeping a meticulous record of our supporters and their contributions is crucial and the information that we ask you to gather in the income process helps us thank supporters and budget accurately.

You can use our Online Income Form to let us know how much money you've raised and how you've raised it. Read our Online Income Form guide or use our paper form, which can be downloaded from the links below.

Procedures and guidelines

The general procedure for processing income is outlined in chapter six of your fundraising group handbook. It is important that you follow the procedures and use the banking forms provided.

There are also specific guidelines for money gathered in the following income streams: 

  • donations
  • collection boxes
  • Great Daffodil Appeal
  • Blooming Great Tea Party
  • street collections
  • fundraising group events
  • trading sales
  • in aid of fundraising
  • donated goods and services (gifts in kind).

You'll find more detailed information on handling those income streams in chapter six of your fundraising group handbook.