New members and helpers

Recruiting new members or volunteers

An extra pair of hands can make all the difference. An established fundraising group should always welcome new members and helpers.

Please inform your Community Fundraiser if you would like to appoint a new member, need a selection process or have any concerns about candidates.

Your start-up kit contains ‘Join Us’ leaflets and posters which can be overprinted with local contact details and help you recruit new members to your group.

Helpers and young people

Your fundraising group may have a number of volunteers who are not official members of the group.

Please have them complete and retain an Essential Volunteer Info form in case of emergency.

Young people

There are strict regulations for involving young people who want to fundraise and volunteer. Chapter two of your fundraising group handbook includes more information on involving young people. 

Diversity policy

Marie Curie Cancer Care has a diversity policy aimed to eliminate discriminatory practices and to comply with discriminatory legislation.

Please ask your Community Fundraiser if you have any questions about the policy.