When someone’s dying or grieving, they shouldn’t have to spend their precious time and energy wading through piles of admin. Companies need to act now to make sadmin simple for dying people and those going through grief.
More than 680,000 people in the UK struggle with sadmin every year.
At an extremely vulnerable time, too many people end up feeling stuck, faced with untrained staff and poor processes when dealing with banks, telecoms companies and energy providers.
We're calling on banks, telecoms companies and energy providers to...
- enable customers to nominate a trusted person to access and manage their accounts
- employ a compassionate and well-trained bereavement team
- provide accessible guidance on processes
- follow a standardised list of required documents
- allow death certificates to be submitted online.
Find out more about the research evidence and our policy recommendations for companies and the government.
Sign the petition
Companies need to protect dying and grieving people from unnecessary pain and distress. Add your name to our petition and help us show banks, telecoms companies and energy providers this is an issue they can't ignore.