
Volunteer training

Learn more about the ongoing training and support we offer to new and returning volunteers.

Why is training important?

Marie Curie volunteers play a central role in furthering our mission to ensure a better end of life for all. Our training is designed to make you feel prepared to carry out your volunteering role confidently and safely.

The benefits of Marie Curie training

While our training will help you in your specific volunteer role with us, it’s also a great way to gain new skills for your personal life and professional development.

For example, our student champion training focuses on event management, and our Companion volunteers receive special listening training.

In other places I felt like ‘a spare part’ as if because you are not a paid member of staff you don’t matter. This is not the case at Marie Curie. The various courses, training, online sessions make you feel part of something, and for me, that’s important.
Marie Curie Volunteer

New volunteers

When you sign up to volunteer with Marie Curie, you’ll be sent a training pack with everything you need to get started. Depending on your role, there may be some additional training you’ll need to complete with us.

If you’d like a paper copy of the training materials or haven’t received your training pack yet, get in touch with our Volunteer team on email volunteering@mariecurie.org.uk.

Returning volunteers

We ask that volunteers who’ve stepped away from their role for a while complete returning volunteer training. This means we can make sure you're updated on any changes or updates during your break, so you feel comfortable and ready to return to your role.

Annual refresher

Every year, we ask that all active volunteers complete their renewal training. You’ll be asked to read through our refresher booklet to make sure you have all the latest up to date information to carry out your role safely.

Frequently asked questions

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