Marie Curie Nurses and Healthcare Assistants work night and day in people’s homes across the UK, providing expert end of life care and vital emotional support. We call this type of care hospice care at home. It's always free of charge to the people we look after, and their families and friends.
Watch: What do Marie Curie Nurses do?Watch: What do Marie Curie Nurses do?
Marie Curie Nurses explain what makes them proud to work for Marie Curie.
What do Marie Curie Nurses and Healthcare Assistants do in my area?
Our Hospice Care at Home service may be different from one place to another. In some areas, our nurses or healthcare assistants provide overnight care for eight or nine hours at a time. In other areas, our team provides care over a shorter period of time during the day or in the evening, or at very short notice in response to an emergency.
We provide hospice care in partnership with the NHS. We work in most parts of the UK, but the service we provide in each area will vary according to what support the local NHS trust has decided it needs from us.
You can find out more about the care and support we offer in your area, and how to get a Marie Curie Nurse, by talking to your district nurse, GP, or hospital team.
Who are Marie Curie’s Hospice Care at Home teams?
Our teams of Marie Curie Nurses and Healthcare Assistants are locally based in communities all over the UK. We’re proud to have a diverse and inclusive workforce. Our Hospice Care at Home teams include men and women from a broad range of different cultures, backgrounds and ethnicities.
Our nurses and healthcare assistants offer a high standard of care and expert support for you and the people close to you. The care and support they provide is guided by your care plan, provided to them by your district or community nurse. They’ll also let your district or community nurse know about any changes in your condition to help with planning your care.
Although all our nurses and healthcare assistants are trained and experienced in looking after people at home, there are some differences in their qualifications and the care they’re able to give.
Marie Curie Nurses
Our nurses are registered nurses who hold a recognised nursing qualification and are registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. They can:
- assess, plan and provide for all your nursing needs
- give you, or give you advice on, prescribed medications including injections and drugs given through a syringe driver.
Marie Curie Healthcare Assistants
Our healthcare assistants undergo a rigorous training programme and follow our code of conduct for healthcare assistants. They can:
- give care as identified in your district or community nurse’s care plan
- assist with your personal care needs such as washing, dressing and mobility
- assist you with taking your routine medicines, where this is appropriate.
Is a Marie Curie Nurse different to a Macmillan nurse?
Marie Curie Nurses care for anyone with an illness they're likely to die from. This includes dementia, heart, liver or kidney disease, motor neurone disease (MND), Parkinson’s and advanced cancer. They generally spend several hours at a time in your home providing care and support, usually overnight.
Macmillan nurses care for people with cancer, from when they’re first diagnosed. They generally spend up to an hour in someone’s home, providing advice on managing pain and controlling symptoms, as well as emotional support.