Watch: How does grief feel?Watch: How does grief feel?
Tina, Dan, Tasneem and Ella share their experiences. If you've been bereaved, you might find that there are some things you can relate to.
What is grief?
Your initial reaction
How you might feel while you are grieving
- shocked or numb
- sad
- anxious or agitated
- exhausted
- relieved
- guilty
- angry
- calm
- lacking in purpose
- resentful.
How long does grief last?
Watch: What helps with grief?Watch: What helps with grief?
Tina, Dan, Tasneem and Ella share what helped them with grief, including talking, exercising and finding new hobbies.
People experience grief differently
Thinking about your loved one
- Looking at photos or videos of them or writing down your memories.
- Talking about your loved one with other people who knew them well.
- Doing something special to remember the person who died on days that had meaning for you both. Or for some people, it's sitting on a bench in the grounds of the hospice where the person they loved was cared for. It can be whatever feels right for you.
- Doing activities like going for walks or getting out on a run. Some people find that this can be a time to think about the person who died – or to 'talk' to them away from other people or distractions.