What are the stages of grief?
People talk about the five stages of grief as:
- denial
- anger
- bargaining
- depression
- acceptance.
In reality, we do not experience feelings of grief one at a time or in a particular order. We know that there are no set stages that everyone goes through.
You may experience these things – because they are all normal feelings of grief. But they might come at different times, and you may swing between them at different times. It's normal to feel other things too, such as shock, anxiety, exhaustion, or guilt.
Some people feel numb after the death of a person they cared about. They may even try to carry on as though nothing has happened.
If you experience this, it could be because it's just too hard to believe that the person you know so well is not coming back. You may also still feel their presence and you may think that you have heard their voice or even seen them.
It is very natural to feel anger after someone dies. Death can seem really cruel and unfair. It can feel harder too if the person who died was too young to die, or if their death leaves you with a lot of responsibility or practical problems.
You may feel angry at the person who has died for leaving you, or be angry at yourself for things you think you didn't do right.
This is when some people who are grieving start making deals with themselves, or perhaps a god, if they are religious.
Maybe they promise themselves that they will now always do (or not do) something, believing that it could make the person who has died come back. Or maybe they believe it will stop anyone else dying − or other bad things happening. This is sometimes called 'magical thinking'.
People may also find that they keep going back over the past and ask lots of 'what if' questions, wishing that they could go back and change things so that they could have turned out differently.
Sadness and longing are the feelings we think of most when we think about grief. These feelings can be very intense and painful, and they may come and go over many months or years.
But most people find that painful feelings like this become less strong over time. If you do not feel this is the case for you, then you should ask for help.