Care at the end

Caring for someone dying at home

Published: 8 Mar 2021
Next review date: 8 Mar 2027
It can be comforting for people to be at home as they near the end of life. Caring for someone dying at home can be challenging yet rewarding, and everyone has different experiences. If you're considering caring for someone at home or already doing so, it can help to know that you can get support.

Care at home checklist

When you care for someone at the end of their life:
  • ask their GP what you can expect as their illness progresses
  • keep contact details of their healthcare team in your phone or somewhere easy to find
  • know who to contact out of hours for evenings and weekends
  • find out if they've considered where and how they'd like to be cared for in future
  • make a back-up plan to make sure someone else can care for them if you're no longer able to
  • check what financial support is available to you.
Call our free Support Line on 0800 090 2309 to speak with our nurses, trained officers and volunteers if you have questions.

Practical support with day to day caring

Depending on the person's condition, you may need to help them with practical and emotional tasks, including:
  • washing, dressing, eating and going to the toilet
  • taking medication and managing their symptoms
  • coordinating healthcare professionals coming into the home
  • planning visits with family and friends
  • talking to them about worries and fears
  • taking care of their finances, life admin or pets.
It can help to talk to the GP, district nurse or occupational therapist. They’ll talk you through how to help them safely. They may suggest aids or equipment.

Carer's assessment

You can get a carer's assessment from your local social care services too. This isn't to assess how good you are at caring, but to ask you about your needs and how being a carer impacts your life. The person you care for can also ask for an assessment.
You may find that you're entitled to equipment or a home adaptation to help you provide care. Social services can provide equipment and training with moving and handling.

Health and social care professionals for end of life care

There will be different healthcare professionals involved in the person's care as they approach the end of life.

Getting extra help from a hospice

We have nine hospices around the UK that may be able to provide day services and in-patient care, should you or a loved one need it.

Financial support while you care for someone at home

Depending on your situation, you may be able to get financial help.

Emotional support while you care for someone at home

Caring for someone at the end of their life can be rewarding and bring you closer together. But it's also physically and emotionally demanding, and may affect your relationship.
There's no right or wrong way to feel, but it can help to talk and look after your own wellbeing.

As a family we want Mum to be cared for at home as it’s what she wants too, but there have been tough times in recent months when we were questioning whether we were doing the right thing.
We were really struggling on our own but now we have the help we know we are doing the right thing.
A family member
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Published: 8 Mar 2021
Next review date: 8 Mar 2027

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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