Accessing care

Hospice care

Published: 30 Mar 2022
Next review date: 31 Mar 2028
Hospices provide free nursing and medical care for anyone with a terminal illness or life-limiting condition, as well as emotional, psychological, spiritual and practical support. You may feel worried about being referred to a hospice, as some people connect it to dying. But a hospice can support you at any stage of your terminal illness.

What is a hospice?

A hospice is a place people with a terminal illness can go for specialist care and support. It offers a warm and welcoming space, whether you are visiting or staying for longer. Some people say that a hospice feels less clinical than other centres you might get care or support at.
A hospice, and the services it offers, is for people at any stage of terminal illness. It is not only for people who are at the end of life, although it does care for them too.
All hospices are different, but the video below will give you an idea of what to expect.

Watch: See inside a Marie Curie HospiceWatch: See inside a Marie Curie Hospice

Take a tour of a Marie Curie Hospice in the West Midlands with Nurse Helen. You'll see the reception, treatment areas, rooms and gardens.

What is hospice care?

A hospice and the professionals who work there can offer physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and practical support for people with a terminal illness or life-limiting conditions. This is also called palliative care.
Palliative care is a holistic approach to care. This means it aims to care for all aspects of a person, rather than focusing on just one thing.
Hospice care may be offered:
  • in the hospice building
  • at your home – where professionals visit you to offer care and support.
  • It is best to ask your local hospice what kind of care they can offer.

When does hospice care start?

Some people think that you only have hospice care when you are dying, but this is not true. Hospice care can start at any time after diagnosis with a terminal illness or life-limiting condition. You might it find it helpful if you are experiencing any physical or emotional symptoms.
Hospice care does not have to be ongoing or for a set period of time. You may access hospice care for a day or a few weeks, then not need or want it for a while. Remember that you can go back if you do need it again.

Types of hospice care

Hospices can offer different types of care depending on your situation and preference. You may wish to:
  • visit the hospice during the day for support sessions
  • stay at a hospice for a few days or weeks while you need specialist care, and then return home
  • get hospice care at home
  • stay in a hospice in the last weeks or days of your life.
If you are not sure which type of hospice care is right for you, speak with your health or social care professional. They can assess your needs and help you make a decision.

Inpatient care at hospices

Inpatient care means you stay in the hospice. Your stay could be a few days or weeks, depending on your situation and what care you are having.
You may choose to stay in the hospice for a short while so the people close to you or your carers can have a break from looking after you.

Outpatient care at hospices

Outpatient care means you visit the hospice during the day, but do not stay overnight.
Some day services that hospices provide include:
  • support groups
  • exercise programmes
  • art or music therapy
  • complementary therapies
  • counselling and spiritual support.
If you are not sure what services your local hospice offers, you can contact them to find out.

Hospice care at home

Some hospices can also offer you care in your home. This could involve a health or social care professional visiting to help you with practical tasks, such as washing, or to keep you company and offer emotional support.
Your local hospice can tell you more about their at-home services and how they can support you.

Hospice support for family, friends and people close to you

Hospices can also offer emotional, psychological or spiritual support to your family, friends and other people close to you.
Some hospices have services or sessions that are just for family, friends or people close to you, such as support groups. You can ask your local hospice if they offer anything like this and how to get involved.
If the hospice doesn't offer these services itself, the staff may be able to suggest other local services that could support the people close to you.

We have people that will come back to us many times. They'll be discharged home and then come back when they need us again.
Caty, a nurse at a Marie Curie Hospice

Who can get hospice care?

Hospice care or support may be offered to:
  • people living with a terminal illness
  • people at the end of life
  • family, friends or others close to people with a terminal illness or at the end of life.
If you have a terminal illness, you may have been referred to a hospice for extra care and support. A terminal illness is one which cannot be cured and is likely to lead to someone's death, including:
  • advanced cancer
  • dementia (including Alzheimer's)
  • motor neurone disease
  • lung disease
  • neurological diseases like Parkinson's
  • advanced heart disease.

Who offers hospice care?

You might meet different professionals at a hospice, depending on the services you are accessing. Some professionals are based in the hospice full time, while others might visit the hospice or be linked to it through referrals.
Not all hospices offer the same services or have the same professionals. We've listed some of the professionals you may meet below.

Medical and physical support

  • Doctors based in hospices are specialists in palliative care. They can prescribe medication and make recommendations to make sure you are as comfortable as possible.
  • Nurses may be based in a hospice and can also visit you at home. They might provide personal care, give medication, and monitor your symptoms to make sure you get the care you need.
  • Healthcare assistants can help with personal care, such as washing, dressing and preparing meals. They can also give medication, apply wound dressings, and change equipment like catheters. They may be in the hospice or visit you at home.
  • Occupational therapists can assess any equipment or home adaptations you might need to make your day-to-day life easier. They can also teach you techniques for relaxation and to manage any pain.
  • Physiotherapists can teach you gentle exercises to help with mobility and keeping you active.
  • Complementary therapists can provide therapies such as massage, aromatherapy and reflexology to help with relaxation and ease symptoms like pain.

Spiritual and emotional support

  • Counsellors offer a space for you to talk about your feelings and thoughts, either one-on-one or as part of a group.
  • Chaplains or spiritual advisors can listen if you want to talk to someone about your feelings towards death and dying, your faith, or your spiritual beliefs. They can talk to you whether you have a particular faith or none.
  • Art therapists provide creative ways to express and explore your thoughts and feelings. This may be especially helpful if communication using words is difficult.

Practical support

  • Social workers can help with practical issues, like finding out what benefits you're entitled to and helping with paperwork.

I can't imagine my life without the hospice. Motor neurone disease terrified me at first, but I no longer fear it. The hospice has also supported my children, who were traumatised by my illness. They're now well-balanced and wonderful young people.
Sarah, who got support from a Marie Curie Hospice

Is hospice care free?

Hospice care is free, so you don't have to pay for it. It is paid for through a combination of NHS funding and public donation.

How do I find my local hospice?

To find your local hospice:
  • ask your GP
  • ask your district nurse
  • ask your hospital consultant
  • use Hospice UK's Hospice Care Finder search.
Some hospices accept self-referrals, which is when you contact the hospice yourself to ask for support. But others will need your doctor or nurse to refer you, or to check your medical history with them.
Hospice places are limited, so your local hospice may not have a place available straight away. If you are not able to get a place, speak with your GP or district nurse to find out what other services could support you.

Common questions about hospices

Does hospice care mean that someone is dying?

Although hospices do offer end of life care, they are not only for people who are dying. Hospices offer palliative care, which may be used at any stage of terminal illness, to help with symptoms as well as offering emotional or practical support.

Is hospice care the same as palliative care?

Hospices provide palliative care to help people live comfortably and manage their illness, including any physical or emotional symptoms, in the best possible way. Palliative care is treatment, care and support for people with a terminal illness, and their family and friends. It can be offered at any stage of terminal illness, not just at the end of life.
Hospices also offer other types of care, including end of life care.

What should I do if I can't get a hospice bed?

Although hospices will try to offer the support you need, there is not always a bed available immediately. You may:
  • be able to go in for day sessions instead
  • be put on a waiting list, so you know when a bed does become available.
Sometimes care homes also have palliative care beds. It may help to speak with your GP, district nurse or another health or social care professional about other services in your local area.

Can pets visit a hospice?

If you have a pet, such as a dog or cat, you may be able to bring them to a hospice. Pets can be an important part of your wellbeing, so a hospice will usually try to make sure you can visit with them or see them during your stay. It is best to check with your local hospice about any arrangements that need to be made.
Registered working animals, such as Guide Dogs, should always be allowed into a hospice.

More information about hospices

You may be thinking about whether hospice care is right for you or someone close to you. As a first step, it might help to find out what is available at your local hospice.
You might also want to speak with your GP, district nurse or hospital consultant about getting a referral to your local hospice.
If you have more questions about hospices, or need some extra support, remember that our support services are here for you. You can call our free Support Line on 0800 090 2309.
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Published: 30 Mar 2022
Next review date: 31 Mar 2028

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