Work and money

Income Support for carers

Published: 28 Jul 2022
Next review date: 31 Mar 2025
Universal Credit has replaced Income Support for most people. You can no longer make a new claim for Income Support. If you're on a low income and need help to cover your living costs, check if you can claim Universal Credit instead.

What is Income Support?

Income Support is a benefit to help people on a low income with their living costs. You can no longer apply for Income Support as it has been replaced by Universal Credit.
Income Support and Universal Credit are means-tested. This means your income, savings and investments must be below a certain level to get these benefits. And how much Income Support or Universal Credit you get depends on the amount of income, savings and investments you have.

What happens if I'm currently getting Income Support?

You will continue to get Income Support if the eligibility criteria still apply to you (and your partner, if you have one). The Department for Work and Pensions will contact you when it is time for you to move onto Universal Credit.

When do I need to contact the DWP?

You need to report certain changes in your money, work or home life to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). For example, if you stop working, move house or change your name. These are called a change of circumstances.
You might also need to report changes that affect people you live with or someone you care for.
Visit GOV.UK for a list of changes you should tell the DWP about. If you're not sure whether you need to report a change, call Jobcentre Plus, or the Benefits freephone if you're in Northern Ireland (see How do I report a change in circumstances? below).

How do I report a change in circumstances?

If you live in England, Wales or Scotland, you can report a change of circumstances by:
  • contacting the Jobcentre Plus helpline for existing benefit claims: call 0800 169 0310, for Welsh language call 0800 328 1744, textphone 0800 169 0314, or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service, or
  • writing to the Jobcentre Plus office that pays your Income Support – the address is on the letters you get about your Income Support.
If you live in Northern Ireland, call the Benefits Freephone number on 0800 022 4250.

How much is Income Support?

There is a basic payment, called the Personal Allowance, and extra payments known as Premiums. How much you get depends on your circumstances and any income or savings you have.

Carer's Allowance and Income Support

Many people with existing Carer's Allowance claims will receive Income Support, because they have caring responsibilities. To receive Income Support as a carer, your income must be low enough. And you must either receive Carer's Allowance, or provide regular and substantial care for someone who receives a qualifying benefit.
If you stop being a carer or stop meeting the carer conditions, your Income Support may continue for eight weeks. After that, your Income Support will end, unless you fit into one of the other groups of people who qualify for Income Support.

Where can I get more help?

Some benefits can affect the other benefits that you or the person you care for get, so it's important you have the right information and advice. See some organisations that can provide further support using the links below.
Here at Marie Curie we cannot provide information about your specific benefit claim. For all queries about claims, you'll need to contact the relevant government department.
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Published: 28 Jul 2022
Next review date: 31 Mar 2025

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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