What do we mean by homelessness?
- staying with friends or relatives on a temporary basis (sometimes called sofa-surfing)
- insecurely or vulnerably housed or in temporary accommodation, such as hostels, shelters, women's refuges, B&Bs or squatting.
What causes homelessness?
- changes to welfare and income support
- increasing poverty
- lack of affordable housing.
- unemployment
- relationship breakdown
- physical and mental health issues
- bereavement
- substance misuse
- leaving institutions such as the military, prison and state care.
Things to consider for end of life care
Complicated health conditions
- mental health difficulties
- problem substance and alcohol use
- heart and lung disease
- liver disease
- renal disease
- stroke
- diabetes and cancer.
Access to healthcare services
Fear of being treated badly
Substance use
Registering wih a GP
Access to palliative care and end of life care services
- may have less interaction with healthcare professionals, especially in primary care
- may have complex health needs
- might have conditions with uncertain prognosis, such as drug or alcohol-related liver disease
- on average die younger than most people who are referred for end of life care.
Care in hospitals or hospices
Care in the community
Social support
Managing pain with problem substance or alcohol use
How can I support a homeless person who needs end of life care?
Be aware of the issues they may have
Consider the person's individual circumstances
Support people registering for a GP
Take a multidisciplinary approach and involve staff in the community
Training with local partners
Plan early interventions
Start conversations about future care earlier
Supporting people with substance use problems at end of life
Support the people helping the person
Look into peer advocacy services
Find out more
Watch: Homelessness and palliative careWatch: Homelessness and palliative care
A film about palliative care and homelessness, commissioned by St Ann's Hospice, which shares the experiences of professionals across the se…
Useful resources
Support for people who are homeless at end of life
- Crisis provides a list of organisations which can help with housing.
- Simon Community supports people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Northern Ireland.
- Groundswell supports homeless people in London with a peer advocacy service.
- Homeless Link has a database of homeless services in England.
- Shelter’s Advice finder can help you find local homelessness advice services in England, Wales and Scotland.
- Streetlink connects rough sleepers to local support in England and Wales. A homeless person can contact them directly or someone can contact Streetlink on their behalf. There is no equivalent in Scotland and Northern Ireland. People in Scotland can contact Shelter Scotland and those in Northern Ireland can refer to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for more information and support.
Support for professionals
- Care committed to me is a good practice guide for delivering high quality end of life care for gypsies, travellers, LGBT people and people experiencing homelessness.
- Frontline Network provides support and resources for frontline staff supporting people affected by homelessness.
- Housing Justice provides training for people working with homeless people about homelessness and advocacy for homeless people.
- The Faculty for Homeless Health and Inclusion is an inclusive membership organisation for people involved in delivering healthcare for excluded groups, including homeless people.
- The Queens Nursing Institute has a homelessness project which provides support for nurses working with people who are homeless.