Key points
Syringe drivers are not only used at the end of life, and do not speed up someone’s death. This is a common misunderstanding. It’s important to give patients and the people important to them a space to discuss these worries.
Syringe drivers can be used for symptom management at any stage of someone’s illness.
Syringe drivers are often used when patients cannot swallow, to avoid frequent injections, or if they are less conscious.
It’s important to monitor the syringe driver and the infusion site carefully. This can help ensure there are no problems with the delivery of medications.
What is a syringe driver?
Why are syringe drivers used?
- has frequent nausea and vomiting, making it difficult for them to take medications by mouth
- cannot swallow medications, for example if they have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or are too weak to swallow
- has a blockage in the bowel (bowel obstruction)
- cannot absorb medication properly through their gut (malabsorption)
- would otherwise need frequent injections
- has symptoms that are not being managed by medications they’re taking by other routes (for example, swallowing tablets)
- is less conscious, for example towards the end of their life.
Setting up a syringe driver
The prescribed medications are put into a syringe.
The syringe is attached to an infusion line (a long plastic tube) and fitted into the syringe driver.
A small needle is inserted just under the patient’s skin, usually on the arm, chest, leg, abdomen, or back.
Different needles are used for this. Some stay in place, and some are removed after inserting a cannula (a small, flexible plastic tube).
Some patients may have a fear of needles, or struggle with how they feel. Read more about what you can do to support patients with concerns about needles below.
A clear film dressing is used to secure the cannula or needle.
The infusion line is attached to the cannula or needle.
The syringe driver is programmed to deliver the medications over a set period of time – usually 24 hours.
Very occasionally, syringe drivers may be set up to deliver medications over a shorter time period, depending on the patient’s needs and type of medication.
The syringe containing the medication will be renewed every 24 hours.
- how long the infusion will take
- flow rate, also called infusion rate (how many millilitres of medication is delivered per hour)
- the size and brand of the syringe, or it may display the text: ‘Pump Delivering’.
Patients with more than one syringe driver
- they need more medications than can fit in one syringe driver
- some of their medications cannot be mixed together safely.
Monitoring the syringe driver
- the syringe driver and lockbox are clean, secure, and free from damage and moisture
- the information on the screen matches the documentation written by the professional that set the syringe driver up (including flow rate, and the size and brand of syringe)
- the syringe is positioned correctly in the syringe driver
- there is no liquid leaking from the syringe, or from the cannula or needle
- the fluid in the syringe for discolouration, crystallisation (crystals forming in the solution) or large air bubbles
- the infusion line (long tube) to make sure it’s not twisted or trapped, for example, under part of the patient’s body
- syringe drivers that are sensitive to sunlight are covered in bright sunshine, such as the CME T34 2nd Edition syringe driver
- the battery life
- there is no alarm going off
- the infusion site for swelling, colour changes, and discomfort – read more about changes to the skin below.
- getting the syringe driver and the dressing very wet – read more about keeping the syringe driver dry below
- dropping the syringe driver
- changing anything on the syringe driver, unless this is within your caring role for the patient.
Supporting patients with a syringe driver
Help keep the syringe driver dry
- take care not to pull any tubes out when washing
- make sure the syringe driver does not drop from a height
- gently but thoroughly dry the dressing and the surrounding skin, and check the dressing is not peeling off
- contact you or another healthcare professional if any of these things happen.
To keep the syringe driver away from water during other everyday activities, the patient can carry it in a bag. Some patients like to buy or make their own. If they ask you for a bag, check if your organisation provides syringe driver carry bags.
Support patients who are uncomfortable with needles
- a fear of pain
- poor past experiences
- not understanding why they’re having a needle (for example, some people with learning disabilities).
Use a cannula device rather than a needle that gets left in place. If a cannula is not available, speak to your organisation about using these instead.
- If the patient is having a cannula, you could explain the needle used to insert it is very small. And, that it’s removed as soon as the cannula is in place.
- If the patient is having a needle that gets left in place, you could explain it is very short and thin. It might also help them to know they should not be able to feel it once it’s in place.
It’s important to speak to each patient about their preferences. You could explain what the needle is for and where it will go. Some people feel more relaxed if they understand exactly what will happen, but some people prefer not to know.
Hide needles when preparing the syringe driver, or when tidying or storing equipment.
Use something to numb the skin so the patient cannot feel the needle being inserted. For example, a topical (applied to the skin) anaesthetic cream.
Allow more time with the patient than for a ‘usual’ visit. This might help if they need more time to ask questions, prepare for the needle, or get used to having something attached to them.
- Suggest they keep something with them that helps them relax. For example, a stress ball, fidget toy, or some music.
- Where possible, suggest they lay down or sit back in a chair, especially when having the needle inserted.
- Suggest they have someone there to support them, such as a friend, family member or carer.
- Suggest they do not look at the needle when it’s being inserted. They could distract themselves with their phone or a book, or by talking to someone.
Share resources for patients, family, friends and carers
Watch: Syringe driversWatch: Syringe drivers
Find out what syringe drivers are, why they’re used (they’re not just for end of life care) and how they’re set up. This video is aimed at p…
Support patients with advance care planning
Syringe drivers and life expectancy
Supporting patients with worries about life expectancy
Potential problems with syringe drivers
Changes to the skin
- On lighter skin tones there might be redness.
- On darker skin tones, the skin might be a different colour to the surrounding area (usually darker).
If the alarm goes off or the syringe driver stops working
- The infusion is about to end (the syringe is almost empty).
- The line (tube) is blocked – you may see the word occlusion on the screen. This can happen if the patient sits or lies on the line, for example.
- The syringe is not positioned correctly.
- Low battery.
Syringe driver medications
- Painkillers – also called analgesics.
- Sedatives – these are used to help patients stay calm, or sleep. They can help treat agitation and seizures.
- Anticholinergics – these reduce the volume of secretions produced in the mouth and airways.
- Anti-sickness medications – also called antiemetics, these treat nausea and vomiting.
Medications often used in syringe drivers
Breakthrough doses
- They have uncontrolled symptoms while the syringe driver medications reach a steady level in their body.
- Their symptoms are poorly controlled despite having the syringe driver.
- Before doing an activity that is likely to make a symptom worse, such as pain.
- Before having personal care that could cause temporary discomfort or pain, such as a dressing change.