Hospice services

 Our hospices sit at the heart of their local communities. If you're a referrer or commissioner, find out how to get in touch or make a referral.

Please note this information is written for referrers and commissioners. If you're looking at hospice care for yourself of a loved one, please read  hospice information for the people we support.

What do Marie Curie hospices offer?

Our hospices offer inpatient and outpatient care and a broad range of day therapies to meet the needs of individual patients, whatever the illness. Many also provide support in the community. Find out more about the services offered by each hospice and the referrals process.

Cardiff and the Vale
West Midlands


At Marie Curie Hospice Belfast, we offer active treatment for people living with any terminal illness – that includes all cancers, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis and end stage lung, liver or renal disease.

We care for around 400 patients a year and do everything we can to help our patients be as active as possible and do the things that are important to them. Read more about our Belfast Hospice.

How to make a referral

We accept referrals from GPs, district nurses, community specialist palliative care nurses, community or hospital AHPs and Macmillan nurses.

To make a referral, please complete the HSC referral form   and then e-mail it to referralsni@mariecurie.org.uk.

To find out more about our services, please call 028 9433 1868

Services at the Marie Curie Hospice, Belfast

  • Short stay inpatient care: We can admit patients for short periods of time to help get challenging symptoms back under control, to help with rehabilitation, and to enable them to return to their daily lives.
  • Day services: Our day services include support for breathlessness, complementary therapies, and a physiotherapy-led wellbeing clinic. These are offered both in the hospice, and in local community settings – enabling patients to stay close to home. We also offer a range of practical and emotional support to families and carers of anyone who has received care in our hospice, or anyone who was cared for by the Marie Curie Nursing Service within Belfast and South Eastern Trust.
  • Outpatient services: This includes a physiotherapy outpatient clinic, with specific support for people living with Parkinson’s disease.
  • Active interventions: Our specialists are able to provide a range of active treatments for patients, including IV therapies, palliative chemotherapy, blood transfusions, giving bisphosphonates, offering complex pain management, inserting intrathecal lines, and administering IV antibiotics.

Please note we are unable to offer respite care.

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At Marie Curie Hospice Bradford, we offer a range of care to help people live well with a terminal illness.

That includes through our inpatient unit, day therapy department and through services offered in patients’ own homes. We also support families and carers. Read more about our Bradford Hospice.

How to make a referral

To refer your patient to us, please call us on 0127 433 7000 or at bradford.hospice@mariecurie.org.uk

Services at the Marie Curie Hospice, Bradford

  • Short stay inpatient care: We can admit patients for short periods of time to help get challenging symptoms back under control and enable them to return to their daily lives.
  • Day therapies: We offer a range of day therapies, including art groups; complementary therapies; emotional support; relaxation; gentle exercise; and quizzes. We have special groups for people living with COPD or heart failure. And we also support families and carers of people with a terminal illness.
  • Outpatient or home appointments: Our multidisciplinary team can offer support on an outpatient basis, and sometimes in patients’ own homes.

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Cardiff and the Vale

At Marie Curie Hospice Cardiff and the Vale, we provide a range of short term care options to help people live well with a terminal illness.

Our focus is always on helping people do the things that are important to them; on promoting independence; and on supporting families, friends and carers as well as the person who is ill.

The hospice has around 30 inpatient beds, and is located in Penarth overlooking the sea. We’re right at the heart of a diverse community, and we pride ourselves on meeting the needs of every single individual we care for.

We have a spiritual care coordinator rather than a chaplain, who supports the needs of those with a belief, philosophy, spirituality or a religion – as well as people with none.

And through a three-year programme, backed by the Big Lottery Fund, we’ve worked to improve end of life care for people with dementia and those with learning difficulties. Read more about our Cardiff Hospice.

How to make a referral

We accept referrals from hospital and community palliative care teams as well as from GPs. 

To find out more or to refer a patient, please contact the team on 02920 426 000 or penarth.admin@mariecurie.org.uk.

Services at the Marie Curie Hospice, Cardiff and the Vale

  • Short stay inpatient care: We can admit patients for short periods of time – usually up to two weeks – to help get challenging symptoms back under control and enable them to return to their daily lives.
  • A range of day services for those with a terminal illness and the people who care for them: This includes nurse-led clinics, a range of complementary therapies, and our twice-monthly Carers’ Cafe drop-in session, at which families and carers have the time and space to talk about their feelings, fears and expectations.
  • Care at the very end of life: Some patients want to be cared for at the hospice when they die. In these instances, we admit the patient as they come very close to the end of their life, and ensure they are comfortable right up until their death. We also support friends, family members and carers at this emotional time.

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At Marie Curie Hospice Edinburgh, we offer a range of care to help people live well with a terminal illness.

That includes through our inpatient unit, day therapy department and through services offered in patients’ own homes. We also support families and carers. Read more about our Edinburgh Hospice.

How to make a referral

To refer your patient to us, please call us on 0131 470 2201 or e-mail mche.admin@nhs.net.

Services at the Marie Curie Hospice, Edinburgh

  • Short stay inpatient care: We can admit patients for short periods of time to help get challenging symptoms back under control and enable them to return to their daily lives.
  • Day therapies: We offer a range of day therapies, including support with fatigue, anxiety or breathlessness; gentle exercise; complementary therapies; and social activities including arts and crafts. We also support families and carers of people with a terminal illness.
  • Outpatient or home appointments: Our multidisciplinary team can also offer support on an outpatient basis, and sometimes in patients’ own homes.

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At Marie Curie Hospice Glasgow, set on a hill with stunning views of Campsie Fells, we offer a range of care to help people live well with a terminal illness.

That includes through our inpatient unit and our day therapy department. We also support families and carers. Read more about our Glasgow Hospice.

How to make a referral

To find out more or to refer a patient, please contact the team on 0141 557 7400 or at glasgow.hospice@mariecurie.org.uk

Services at the Marie Curie Hospice, Glasgow

  • Short stay inpatient care: We can admit patients for short periods of time to help get challenging symptoms back under control and enable them to return to their daily lives.
  • Day therapies: We offer a range of day therapies, including gentle exercise; T'ai chi; emotional support; and art groups. We also support families and carers of people with a terminal illness.

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The Hampstead Hospice building is temporarily closed and not accepting in-patient referrals. We're currently exploring new ways to continue delivering expert care and support for people living with a terminal illness and those close to them in North Central London. Read more about our Hampstead Hospice.

How to make a referral

To find out more or to refer a patient, please contact the team on 020 7853 3400
or at hampstead.hospice@mariecurie.org.uk

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At Marie Curie Hospice Liverpool, we firmly believe in a rehabilitative approach to palliative care.

Whether a patient needs physical, emotional or spiritual rehabilitation, we will offer it so as to enable them to be as independent as possible – and to be able to live their life doing the things they care about. Our aim is to deliver a better life for people affected by terminal illness.

We offer short term inpatient care, but also a range of day therapies and support in the community.

Our multidisciplinary teams are focused not only on supporting the person with the terminal illness, but also on caring for family members of all ages.

We are an integral part of our community – holding regular events each year – and reflect the people we serve, not least by making sure important football matches are screened in the hospice.

Our dedication to constantly improving palliative care is such that we have a strong research programme. In the past year alone, we presented four posters at the Palliative Care Congress. Read more about our Liverpool Hospice.

How to make a referral

We accept referrals from GPs, hospital consultants, community matrons or specialist nurses.

Call 0300 100 1002 (open 24 hours a day, seven days a week)

Services at the Marie Curie Hospice, Liverpool

  • Short stay inpatient care: We can admit patients for short periods of time – our average length of stay is 18 days – to offer support for specialist needs and to enable patients to then return to their daily lives. We have a multidisciplinary approach, with access to doctors, social workers, chaplains, occupational therapies and physiotherapists. We also offer a full range of complementary therapies, including aromatherapy, reflexology, relaxation, Tai’chi and acupuncture for clinical need.
  • A range of day services for those with a terminal illness and the people who care for them: This includes group day therapy sessions, in which members of our multidisciplinary team offer advice on symptoms and address any concerns. Patients attend once a week for 17 weeks, with specific goals set at the outset. We also run our Daffodil Group, which offers support as patients leave hospice care and move back towards being supported in the community. And our weekly Roots (Rejuvenating Our True Selves) group offers therapeutic activities including fatigue management, yoga, relaxation, breathlessness management, exercise classes, falls prevention and crafts.
  • Support in the community: We offer some of our services in patients’ own homes, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy and complementary therapies. Our senior social workers and our children’s and young people counsellor can also offer support at home, and our consultants can sometimes visit patients at home too.
  • Lymphoedema service: Commissioned by the local CCG, this service is open to cancer and non-cancer patients. Our lymphoedema specialist helps ease symptoms and control swelling. Please note there is a separate referral process for this service.
  • Bereavement support: We can offer support for up to a year after a bereavement, including through our befriending service and our group sessions. We run specific groups for parents, and we also run sessions for children and young people.

Please note that we are not able to offer respite care.

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At Marie Curie Hospice Newcastle, we offer a range services to help people live well with any terminal illness.

Our consultant-led care includes inpatient support – for symptom management, rehabilitation and for end of life care – and an array of day services, from physiotherapy to relaxation to art therapy.

We also provide outpatient support, including clinical psychology and cognitive behaviour therapy.

And our multidisciplinary teams don’t only support the person with the terminal illness – they also care for friends, carers and family members of all ages.

The hospice, which was purpose-built, is set in beautifully landscaped gardens overlooking the Tyne and Gateshead. Read more about our Newcastle Hospice.

How to make a referral

We accept healthcare professional referrals 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To make an urgent referral, call 0191 219 1000.

For non-urgent referrals, download and complete this referral form and fax it to 0191 219 1099.

Services at the Marie Curie Hospice, Newcastle

  • Short stay inpatient care: We admit patients for short periods of time to offer symptom management and rehabilitation, allowing them to return to their normal lives as quickly as possible. Our care is consultant-led, with care provided by a multidisciplinary team that also includes nurses, allied health professionals, social workers and our chaplain.
  • Day services: We offer day therapy services for anyone living with any terminal illness. This is provided by a team of allied health professionals, nurses and medics, and includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, relaxation techniques and art therapy. We also run specialist clinics for people living with motor neurone disease or interstitial lung disease.
  • Support for families, friends and carers: We also support the families, friends and carers of someone with a terminal illness. This includes through pre- and post bereavement support, with our trained staff and volunteers helping families through loss.
  • Care at the very end of life: Some patients want to be cared for at the hospice when they die. In these instances, we admit the patient as they come very close to the end of their life, and ensure they are comfortable right up until their death. We also support friends, family members and carers at this emotional time.

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West Midlands

At Marie Curie Hospice West Midlands, we offer a range of care to help people live well with a terminal illness. That includes through our inpatient unit and our day therapy department. We also support families and carers. Read more about our West Midlands hospice.

How to make a referral

Download a referral form (133KB), make a referal by email at bhamhospice.hobs@nhs.net or find out more by contacting the team on 0121 703 3600.

Services at the Marie Curie Hospice, West Midlands

  • Short stay inpatient care: We can admit patients for short periods of time to help get challenging symptoms back under control and enable them to return to their daily lives.
  • Day therapies: We offer a range of day therapies, including help with fatigue, anxiety or breathlessness; complementary therapies; and emotional support. We also support families and carers of people with a terminal illness.

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