
How we can help in Northern Ireland

Find out about the range of services and support that could be available to you and those close to you in across Northern Ireland.

Our hospice in Belfast

Our friendly and welcoming Marie Curie Hospice, Belfast helps people living with any terminal illness or approaching the end of life, and the people close to them, receive the care and support they need. The hospice provides in-patient care, outpatient day services and holistic family support.

We also offer a range of community and outpatient services, like relaxing therapies and breathlessness workshops, to anyone affected by terminal illness.

Hospice care at home

Our nurses, healthcare assistants and other healthcare professionals in Northern Ireland bring the nursing, medical and emotional help you need to you, in the comfort of your own home. We offer support to the people looking after you too – from reassurance and practical information to giving them time take a break.

Our Hospice Care at Home service is available in Belfast and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trusts.

Urgent hospice care at home

Whether you're ill or looking after someone who is, you know that symptoms can change at any time, day or night. Terminal illness doesn't adhere to a schedule, so neither should the care you get. Urgent hospice care at home is there for you when you need it.

Our Urgent Hospice Care at Home service is available across all five trust areas in Northern Ireland.

Marie Curie Companions

Companion volunteers in Northern Ireland provide practical and emotional support at home and in hospital. They offer free, flexible and personalised help to people at the end of life, and to their families and carers.

The Companion at Home service is available across all five trust areas in Northern Ireland. You or your loved ones can refer to this service by calling 028 9433 1868.

The Companion in Hospital service is available in Antrim Area Hospital, NHSCT.

Bereavement support

If you want to talk to someone following a bereavement, we’re here for you. Across Northern Ireland, we offer free bereavement support for anyone experiencing grief, whether your bereavement was expected, happened recently or was some time ago. This includes post-bereavement counselling and our bereavement café, which provides a safe space for people to find comfort and support in their shared experiences.

Support with fatigue, anxiety and breathlessness

The Fatigue, Anxiety and Breathlessness Programme helps people with progressive, life-limiting illnesses to cope better with some of their symptoms and enjoy a better quality of life.

Over the five sessions, we can help you to understand the symptoms of fatigue, anxiety and breathlessness, find coping strategies that can help to manage your symptoms and achieve the best quality of life within your own limits.

The programme is delivered face to face in small groups at the Marie Curie Hospice, Belfast. You can attend virtually, as long as you have access to a computer or tablet and a reliable internet connection.

Getting Marie Curie care and support in Northern Ireland

To get referred to a Marie Curie service directly, contact your GP, district nurse or hospital team.

Get in touch with our local coordination centre to learn more about services in your area and how we may be able to help (open 8am to 10pm, seven days a week).

Are you a healthcare professional?

Learn about the types of service we offer for people living with a terminal illness and how to refer patients.

Online Community

Connect with our Online Community to get support from other people affected by terminal illness, including those who are bereaved. It’s a space for you to share your thoughts, feelings and experiences with others from the comfort of your own home.

We’re here for you

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©2025 Marie Curie. Registered Charity, England and Wales (207994), Scotland (SC038731). Registered company limited by guarantee, England & Wales (507597). Registered Office: One Embassy Gardens, 8 Viaduct Gardens, London SW11 7BW
