
Join a campaign

Every five minutes, someone dies without the care and support they need. Together, we can close the gap so that everyone gets the best experience possible at the end of their life.

Latest campaigns

Learn about the issues we're campaigning on and how you can help.

Cost of dying crisis

It shouldn’t be harder to make ends meet at the end of your life. But many people are pushed into poverty when they’re diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Tell companies to make "sadmin" simple

When someone's dying or grieving, they shouldn't have to spend their precious time and energy wading through piles of admin.

Previous campaigns

Learn more about the campaigns we’ve run in the past and how they’ve made a difference to people at the end of life, and those close to them.

Will you help us fix the urgent end of life care crisis?

Marie Curie is pushing for the urgent changes that’ll improve end of life for all. But we couldn’t do this without the thousands of people who campaign alongside us. Sign up to hear the latest campaign updates, from how to get involved to our latest successes.

Read more about our campaign work on the blog

Other ways to get involved

It's about speaking out on an important issue that’s affecting tens of thousands of people. I’d always wanted to get into politics, but I always felt it was a bit prohibitive, so campaigning is my way of doing it.
Tammy Prescott, who took part in Marie Curie's Dying in Poverty campaign
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©2025 Marie Curie. Registered Charity, England and Wales (207994), Scotland (SC038731). Registered company limited by guarantee, England & Wales (507597). Registered Office: One Embassy Gardens, 8 Viaduct Gardens, London SW11 7BW
