
Pain when someone is dying

Published: 25 May 2024
Next review date: 25 May 2030
It's normal to be worried about pain when someone is in their last weeks, days or hours of life. Not everyone experiences pain and there are different ways that pain can be managed. We know it can be difficult when someone close to you is in pain. There are things that can help with their pain and there is support available for you.
This information is for family and friends of someone who is approaching the end of their life. It may also be useful for people living with a terminal or life-limiting illness.
If you have any questions or need support, our free Marie Curie Support Line is here for you on 0800 090 2309 or you can email us at support@mariecurie.org.uk.

Does everyone get pain when they are dying

Some people experience pain as their illness progresses and in their last weeks, days or hours of life. But not everyone gets pain – some people have no pain at all.
There are different things that can help with pain including medication, support, heat and cold therapy, changing position and equipment. These things might be arranged by the GP or district nurse, and sometimes people will need help from a specialist team. These healthcare professionals should help to get the pain under control.
The pain might not go away completely, but medicines and support should help to make it more manageable. If you are the person's family member or friend, there are things you can do to help as well (see How can family and friends help with pain? below).

Most people do not die in pain. With the right treatment, care and support, the vast majority of people we see are comfortable and not in pain at the end of life.
Dr Sarah Holmes, Consultant in Palliative Care

Does dying hurt?

No one knows exactly what people feel when they are dying. Many people look calm or relaxed when they die, so dying itself probably does not cause pain.
Some people experience pain or discomfort in their last weeks and days of life. This can be caused by an illness, treatment or other things. There are things that can help to manage their pain and things you can do to help them.

What causes pain at the end of life?

Pain happens when damaged areas of the body send signals to the brain. Sometimes pain continues even when the initial damage or injury has healed (this is sometimes called 'chronic pain'). Pain can be caused by a person's illness, by a treatment or operation, or by a condition they've had for a while, such as arthritis.
People who have experienced pain during their illness or who have certain conditions, such as cancer that has spread around their body, may need more support to manage their pain.
Although pain is a physical feeling, we also know that lots of other things can affect how people experience pain. Feeling stressed, anxious, worried, tired, or alone can all make pain worse. Pain can sometimes be worse if someone is finding it difficult to accept that they are dying or they are worried about how others will cope when they are gone.

The doctors and nurses really helped to manage Matthew's pain. Most of the time, he was not in pain and he did not die in pain. This is one of the biggest comforts for us all.
Hayley, who supported her husband

How is pain assessed?

The healthcare professional will talk to your family member or friend about their pain so they can find the right treatment for them. This might involve asking them questions and doing a physical examination. They might ask questions about their pain, such as:
  • Where is the pain?
  • What does it feel like? (aching, tingling, sharp, burning)
  • When did it start?
  • Is it constant or on and off?
  • Does anything make it better or worse?
  • How bad is the pain on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is 'no pain' and 10 is 'the worst pain possible'?
Everyone feels pain in their own way and everyone responds to it differently. This means the person is in the best position to say what their pain is like.

If your family member or friend is unable to communicate

When someone is in their last weeks or days of life, it is normal that they sleep more or might become unconscious. They might also have a condition or disability that makes it difficult for them to communicate verbally. The doctor or nurse should try to involve them in discussions and decisions if possible by asking yes or no questions, or using visual aids (like a pain scale).

Signs of pain

If the person cannot speak or tell you about their pain, you can look for signs that they are in pain. Some of these things are normal changes towards the end of life. They may not always be a sign that the person is in pain.
Signs of pain might include:
  • changes in their facial expression – for example, frowning, grimacing or clenching their teeth
  • making noises – for example, crying or groaning
  • changes in body language – for example, becoming withdrawn or not making eye contact
  • changes in their posture – for example, looking tense or holding on to furniture or their body
  • becoming restless – for example, changing their position, rocking or constant hand motions
  • changes in their mood – for example, being quieter or becoming aggressive
  • changes in their sleep pattern
  • changes in their routine – for example, refusing food or drink (although this can be a normal part of dying)
  • agitation or distress
  • not being able to concentrate or seeming confused
  • rubbing or holding areas of their body
  • physical changes – for example, increased blood pressure or heart rate.
Tell the doctor or nurse if you've noticed any changes, and they can assess your family member or friend.

My husband could not talk but the hospice staff learnt how to tell if he was in pain or just a bit restless or uncomfortable. If he was in pain, he would grab at things and seem distressed. They would assess him and then quickly adjust his medication to help him.
Hayley, who supported her husband

When should I ask for help with pain?

You should ask for help if your family member or friend has:
  • new pain (for example, the pain might feel different or be in a new part of their body)
  • pain that gets worse
  • pain that is not managed by their current medication or care.
If your family member or friend has any of the symptoms above or you're worried about them, speak to their doctor or nurse.

Do not be afraid to ask for help if the pain is not manageable or is getting worse. With the right care and support, pain should be able to be managed.
Jan Palmer, Palliative Care Nurse

Who can help with pain when someone is dying?

If the person is at home or in a care home, you can contact the person's GP, or district or community nurse. We know that it can sometimes be difficult to get through to the GP surgery or get an appointment, and this can be frustrating and upsetting. If you feel that the person needs medical care or advice that day, tell the receptionist.
You may have been given contact details for a specialist team who you can contact directly. If you have, it's best to contact this team first. Keep their contact details in a safe place and share them with anyone who will be helping to look after your family member or friend.
If the person is in a hospital or hospice, ask the staff who should be responsible for their care or pain management.

End of life pain relief

There are different ways to manage pain when someone is in their last weeks or days of life. The focus will be on making them as comfortable as possible.
What works best might depend on:
  • what's causing the pain
  • what type of pain they have (for example, aching or stabbing)
  • how severe their pain is, and
  • what is most helpful to them as an individual.
Tell the doctor or nurse if there's something that has or has not worked well in the past. They might need to try different things to see what works best. Always speak to the person's doctor or nurse if you have any questions.

End of life pain medication

There are lots of different medicines for treating pain. Some are for different types or severity (amount) of pain. It can take a while to find the medicines that work best for your family member or friend.
The three main types of painkillers are:
  • simple painkillers for mild pain, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • weak opioids for moderate pain, such as codeine
  • strong opioids for severe pain, such as morphine or oxycodone.
  • Simple painkillers can usually be taken as well as opioids for moderate or severe pain.
Other medicines, such as anti-depressants and steroids, can also be used to treat pain.

When to take pain medicines

Your doctor or nurse will tell you when the medicines need to be taken. Many people will need to take painkillers regularly (sometimes called 'around the clock doses').
Some people think they should wait until the pain is bad before taking any painkillers, but this is not true. It is better to take painkillers as often as your doctor prescribed, even if you're not experiencing pain at the time. This helps to keep the pain under control between doses.
If you're taking pain medicine regularly and it's not managing your pain, speak to your doctor or nurse. They may give you extra painkillers to take in between your regular doses if you need it (sometimes called a 'rescue dose' or 'breakthrough dose'). Pain is not something that you have to put up with.

Managing medications

Taking medication regularly as the doctor or nurse has prescribed is important. But this can be difficult, especially if they are taking a lot of different medications.
Here are some things that can help to manage medicines:
  • Ask their GP or doctor to review their medicines to see if there are any they might not still need.
  • Create a chart of what needs to be taken and when, and tick things off when they have been taken.
  • Use a plastic box with different compartments to see what needs to be taken at what time (called a 'dosette box'). You can ask the pharmacist for one or buy one.
  • Use an app that can help with this if you have a smartphone or tablet.
If you're finding it difficult to keep track of your family member or friend's medication, tell their pharmacist, doctor or nurse.

Just in case medication

'Just in case' or 'anticipatory medicines' are medicines that your family member or friend does not need now but might need if they become more ill or in pain towards the end of life. It means you do not have to get a prescription or go to a pharmacy in an emergency.
A doctor or specialist nurse can prescribe them these medicines in England, Scotland and Wales. You then keep the medicines at home in case your family member or friend needs them. If you do, a district or community nurse can come and to give them to your family member or friend.
For emergency medical supplies in Northern Ireland, speak to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

Syringe drivers

There are different ways to have medicines including tablets, injections, patches and syringe drivers.
A syringe driver (or syringe pump) is a small battery-powered pump. It delivers a steady flow of medicines through small tube under the skin. It can be useful if the person is not able to swallow tablets, is feeling or being sick, or if the tablets are not working.
Syringe drivers are often used at the end of life because they are sometimes the easiest way to give someone the medicines they need to feel comfortable, but they can be used at any stage of an illness.

Common worries about medicines

Some people worry that having strong pain killers such as morphine can make someone die more quickly. But there is no evidence for this. We know that morphine and other opioids are very safe and effective when prescribed and taken correctly. Morphine and other strong painkillers can even be taken for a long time.
Some people are worried about the risk of addiction. If the person takes the medicines as prescribed by their doctor and is approaching the end of their life, this is not usually a problem.
If someone has a history of a substance use disorder or addiction problems, they may still benefit from opioid painkillers if they are in pain. Worries about future substance use addiction may not be so relevant when they are dying. Speak to their doctor about the benefits and risks of taking medicines, and what alternatives may be available.
If you're worried about any of these things, speak to your doctor or nurse. They can tell you what medicines might be suitable for you and answer any questions you might have.

Other ways to manage end of life pain

There are a lot of other things that can help to control pain or make it better:
  • Making someone comfortable – things like having a wash, brushing their teeth, toileting or changing clothes can help.
  • Positioning – changing position or using pillows for support may help them.
  • Equipment – getting a hospital bed or supportive chair may help someone feel more comfortable. Speak to their doctor or nurse.
  • Distraction – try to distract the person with things they might enjoy, like talking, listening to music, watching TV or reading a magazine.
  • Heat and cold – using a hot water bottle or ice pack may help reduce someone's pain.
  • Emotional support – talking to someone about concerns they have can help. They might be able to get support through a local hospice or hospital.
  • Spiritual support – sharing their thoughts about life, hope, feeling lost or religion. A hospital or hospice may have a faith leader or be able to find this support, whether they are religious or not.

The Marie Curie Nurses were only there for an hour at a time, but Mum always looked so fresh and beautiful after they had been. They lifted her mood and made a really big difference to how she was feeling.
Maxine, who supported her Mum at home

What if the pain cannot be managed?

Sometimes, it's difficult to manage pain. The medication they are on may not be keeping their pain under control. Or they may be getting breakthrough pain, where they have pain even though they are taking regular pain medication.
The doctor or nurse will assess the person's pain to see what might work. It can take time to find the medicines that work best for the person.
Sometimes the person will need to be looked after by experts in pain management. This might be done at home or in a care home, where people will visit them to give medication. But sometimes it may be appropriate to manage pain in a hospital or a hospice. Hospices are experts in pain management and often people find it reassuring to have support to help keep the pain under control.
It can be upsetting to see your family member or friend in pain. You can support them by comforting them and using some of the techniques below. You can also speak to a nurse or trained member of staff on our free Support Line on 0800 090 2309* or email us at support@mariecurie.org.uk.

How can family and friends help with pain?

There are a lot of things that you can do to support your family member or friend during this time:
  • Speak to their doctor or nurse if their pain is not being managed or you have any concerns.
  • Make sure they have just in case medications arranged if they are at home – speak to their GP, district nurse or community nurse if they do not. Read more about just in case medications.
  • Help with medication – you could create a chart, medicine box or set up an app with reminders.
  • Help them to feel more comfortable – if the person needs help and you are able to, you could help with things like washing, going to the toilet and mouth care.
  • Spend time with them – you could listen to music, read them a book or watch TV. You might want to talk about your lives or watch videos of other family and friends. They might also need time to rest, but may still appreciate you just being there.
  • Have physical contact – they might want a cuddle or for you to hold their hand. Even if someone is unconscious, they may still be able to feel you holding their hand or hear you speaking to them.
  • Listen to any worries or concerns they might have – try to listen without judgement. Acknowledge their concerns and see if there's anything you can do to support them. You could ask them questions such as, 'Is there anything on your mind?' or 'Is there anything you're worried about?'
  • Help them achieve small goals – they might want to watch a programme together, sit outside for a bit or write a letter to someone.
Pain can be made better or worse by how someone is feeling. So, you can make a big difference by listening to them and giving them support during this time.

Even at the end of Mum's life, we still had hope. Not hope for a cure. But hope for the little, important things. Hope that she would have a few good hours without pain to talk together.
Hope for a cuddle together in bed. Hope that she would feel the sun on her face again. We helped her achieve these things and her positivity helped to get us through.
Maxine, who supported her Mum at home

Support for family and friends

It's also important that you get support that you need during this time. It might help to take short breaks away from caring if you want to and feel able to. It can also help to talk to other people about how you're feeling – you might feel alone or that no one else understands what you're going through. You may have family or friends you can speak to, or a local carers support group.
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Published: 25 May 2024
Next review date: 25 May 2030

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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