

Published: 10 Feb 2020
Updated: 20 Jan 2025
Next review date: 10 Feb 2026
Anxiety is a natural response to stresses in our lives. And you may develop feelings of anxiety if you’re living with a terminal illness. For some people, it can cause physical and emotional symptoms and can affect their quality of life.
On this page, we talk about the causes and symptoms of anxiety when you’re living with a terminal illness. We also talk about how to manage anxiety and the support that you can get.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of worry or fear. In the short term, it helps us be alert and ready to act if we’re feeling under threat. But if you’re feeling like this a lot of the time, then it may be affecting how you’re able to live from day to day.
Having anxiety may make it harder for you to cope with your illness or health condition.
For some people, it can mean that they lose trust in their healthcare team or they may stop taking medication. Anxiety may make some people them feel like they no longer want to live.

If you’re thinking about ending your life

If you’re feeling like you want to die or you’re having suicidal thoughts, it’s important to tell someone. Speak to your doctor as soon as possible.
If you need urgent help, or are supporting someone who does, call the Samaritans free helpline on 116 123. It’s available 24 hours a day.

Symptoms of anxiety

Different people can have different symptoms, but they can include:
  • feeling worried and restless
  • finding it difficult to sleep
  • feeling tired
  • not being able to concentrate
  • feeling dizzy
  • feeling like your heart is beating harder or faster
  • feeling irritable
  • feeling on edge or not being able to relax
  • finding it harder to make decisions
  • feeling tearful or crying
  • changes in appetite
  • feeling like you want to avoid places, situations or people
  • sweating
  • trembling
  • painful or tense muscles
  • feeling sick or a churning feeling in your stomach.

Types of anxiety

There are different types of anxiety. These include Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), phobias, social anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.
You may have had one or more of these types of anxiety before you were diagnosed with a terminal illness. Or you may have only developed anxiety since your illness.

Panic attacks or anxiety attacks

Some people have panic attacks (also called anxiety attacks or panic disorder) where they feel intense or overwhelming fear and discomfort.
Panic attacks can come on suddenly with no warning and can last up to 30 minutes. They may cause physical symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness, breathlessness, sweating or shaking.

What causes anxiety?

If you’re living with a terminal illness, it’s natural to feel anxious if you’re feeling uncertain about your future. Or you may have anxiety about the possibility of dying. Other causes of anxiety if you’re living with a terminal illness can include:
  • worry about pain or about dying with pain
  • worry that new pain could be a sign that, for example, cancer has spread or come back
  • medicines – anxiety can be a side effect of some medicines
  • the end of treatment – people can find it hard to adapt if their medical appointments stop or become less often
  • being cut off from friends and family
  • worries about family or friends – for example, worrying about being a burden or leaving them when you die
  • money worries
  • spiritual distress.
You may feel anxious if you’re having trouble getting to see your doctor or other healthcare professionals. You might also feel anxious if you’re seeing different healthcare professionals or having to go to places for your healthcare that you have not been to before.
These worries can build up over time and it sometimes only takes something small to trigger anxiety.

How is anxiety managed?

Living with a terminal illness can make you more likely to experience anxiety, but it does not mean you have to cope with it on your own.
If anxiety is affecting your day-to-day life, speak to your doctor about treatment and support to manage your anxiety. Treatment can help you to cope better with anxiety and manage negative thoughts and feelings.
There are things you can do that can help you manage anxiety and that support your wellbeing. These include:
  • psychological or talking therapy, like cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or counselling
  • self-help resources
  • medication
  • combination therapy, for example a combination of talking therapy and medication
  • other therapies, like relaxation, art therapy, and music therapy
  • support groups
  • exercise.

Psychological or talking therapies for anxiety

Your doctor may refer you to a specialist like a psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor or specialist nurse for more support.
Psychological or talking therapies can help some people to manage anxiety. But it may take a few weeks before it starts to feel like it’s helping.
Psychological therapies can include:
  • cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • relaxation therapies
  • counselling
  • art therapy
  • music therapy
  • group therapy
  • mindfulness.
You can ask your GP about being referred for psychological therapy or you may be able to refer yourself by contacting local services directly.
You have to pay to see a counsellor privately. But you can also talk to your GP about seeing a counsellor through the NHS for free.

Self-help resources for anxiety

Some people find self-help resources for things such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or mindfulness help them to manage their anxiety.
There are also apps that some people find helpful for dealing with symptoms of anxiety like Calm or Headspace. Some of these need to be paid for after a free trial.

Medication for anxiety

If your anxiety is severe and is affecting your wellbeing, your GP may prescribe medication.
Types of medication that can be prescribed for anxiety if you’re living with a terminal illness include:
  • sedatives like benzodiazepines such as lorazepam, which may help if you have problems sleeping
  • antidepressants, such as mirtazapine
  • antipsychotic drugs.


Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and other problems caused by terminal illness, such as fatigue. It can also improve the results of any psychological therapy you may be having.
You may have good days and bad days, so just do what you feel you can do. It may be going for a short walk or gentle exercises in bed.

Relaxation therapies

Practise mindfulness or meditation.

Cut down on stimulants like smoking or caffeine in tea and coffee

Try to avoid drinks with caffeine like tea or coffee, smoking, drinking and recreational drugs.

Complementary therapies

Ask your doctor or nurse about complementary therapies that may help with relaxation and managing feelings of anxiety.

Local support

Support groups are a way to meet people going through similar experiences and can help with feelings of anxiety and depression. You can find out about local support groups through organisations like Anxiety UK.

Online forums

You may find it helpful to speak to others going through similar things on an online forum.

Depression and anxiety

Most people feel low or sad some of the time. But when feelings like sadness and anxiety last for weeks or months and start to affect your daily life, it may be depression.
If you have depression as well as anxiety, speak to your GP. Your GP may recommend medication and a psychological therapy together.

How can I help someone with anxiety?

If you’re a carer, family member or friend of someone with anxiety, you may want to understand how best to help them.
People cope with anxiety in different ways. Some people prefer to sit and talk, while others need practical help. Some people may not tell anyone that they’re feeling anxious, so you may need to ask them if they’re worried about anything and if they have any symptoms of anxiety.
If you know what’s causing someone’s anxiety, this can help you find the best way of supporting them. Find out what support is available locally by asking their healthcare team or visiting the NHS website. It can also help to ask whether the person has used these services before and if they helped.
People may need practical or emotional support to help them manage their anxiety.
Some people may behave aggressively if they’re worried and angry about their situation. If you can allow them to express themselves safely, it can help them deal with their anxiety.

Tips for talking to people with anxiety

People with anxiety often say it helps them when they feel listened to. Here are some tips for talking to someone about their anxiety:
  • Reassure them that anxiety is common, especially in people receiving palliative care.
  • Acknowledge their feelings without judging them or minimising them.
  • Ask open-ended questions.
  • Allow pauses in the conversation without rushing to fill them.
  • Repeat or rephrase what they have said to you to show them that you’ve understood it.
  • Use everyday language where you can. And ask healthcare professionals to explain any medical terms they use.
  • Ask for information in the person’s preferred language and format.
  • Take time to continue to build your relationship with them, so they feel able to open up to you.
  • Ask them how their anxiety affects them and what makes it better or worse.
  • Ask them how you can help when they’re feeling anxious. For example, they may want you to talk to them calmly, distract them with another activity or help them with breathing exercises.  
  • Try not to pressure them into doing anything they’re not ready for – this can make anxiety worse.

When should I ask for help?

Contact the person’s GP if you think they have symptoms of anxiety or another mental health problem.
If anxiety is long-lasting or is affecting someone’s daily life, they may need psychological or medical treatment. Their GP can suggest self-help resources and local support services. Or they can prescribe medicines or refer the person for psychological therapies.
Sometimes anxiety is caused by practical problems, such as money or housing. Other professionals, such as solicitors or social workers may be able to help.
Some people may seek comfort from a spiritual or faith leader.
If someone is having medical treatment for their anxiety, you can ask their healthcare team for details of what you should do and who to contact in a crisis.
Some people become agitated and restless towards the end of their life. This is sometimes called terminal agitation. Tell the GP, district nurse or specialist palliative nurse if someone is showing these signs.

Getting support as a family member or friend

Anxiety can also affect you as a family member, friend or carer. You can ask the person’s healthcare team to help you by:
  • first telling them how you’re feeling and what your worries are
  • asking them to keep you informed about changes to the person’s illness or condition (after you have asked for permission for this from the person themselves)
  • supporting you with how to care for the person, if you want to do this
  • asking them to explain what to expect when the person is in the last few days of their life, if you want to know this
  • asking them about any practical help you need, such as respite care or help with claiming benefits.
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Published: 10 Feb 2020
Updated: 20 Jan 2025
Next review date: 10 Feb 2026

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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