Accessing care

Complementary therapies

Published: 31 Mar 2021
Next review date: 31 Mar 2027
Complementary therapies are treatments you can have alongside your medical care. Some people find complementary therapies help with their symptoms. There is not a lot of evidence to say how well they work, so it's best to speak to your doctor or nurse about what therapies could work for you. Here we talk about the different therapies you can have and how to access them.

What are complementary therapies?

Complementary therapies aren't designed to replace your medical care – they don't treat or cure health conditions.
Complementary therapies are treatments you can have on top of your regular medical care. There is some evidence that they are effective, but not a lot. They may be helpful in treating symptoms like pain, stress and anxiety.
Speak to your doctor or nurse before you have complementary therapy. Some complementary therapies might not be safe for you, depending on your condition and any treatment you're having.

Accessing complementary therapy

There are different ways to access complementary therapy.

Complementary therapy on the NHS

Some complementary therapies are free on the NHS, but it's not common. In most cases, the NHS won't offer you complementary therapy. Speak to your doctor or nurse about what's available in your area.

Complementary therapy at a hospice

Your local hospice or a local support group may offer free or reduced cost therapies. Each Marie Curie Hospice offers a range of complementary therapies. Some complementary therapy sessions are also open to carers.
During coronavirus (covid-19), there might be fewer complementary therapy sessions on offer at Marie Curie Hospices.

Private complementary therapy

You can also pay to get complementary therapy from a private therapist. Private therapists can be expensive, so it's worth checking the cost first.

Checking a therapist is qualified

For most medical treatments, healthcare professionals have to be registered to make sure they are qualified and practise to a certain standard. For most complementary therapies, professionals don't have to be registered in the same way.
However, many complementary therapists sign up to a voluntary register to prove they are qualified and are practising to a certain standard.
If you'd like to check whether a complementary therapist is registered, search for them on:
It's also important to tell the complementary therapist about your medical condition and any treatments you've had or are having. They can make sure the therapy is suitable for you.

Types of complementary therapies

Alternative therapy

Some people choose an alternative therapy instead of conventional medical treatment. Alternative therapies are different from complementary therapies. They are given instead of conventional treatment, not alongside it. Sometimes the same therapy can be used as complementary therapy and alternative therapy.
Some types of alternative therapy may not be completely safe and could cause harmful side effects. Most alternative therapies are not tested in the same way that conventional treatments are.
Be very cautious of alternative therapists or dietary supplements that claim that they can cure your illness. Qualified therapists are unlikely to claim that their therapy will cure your illness. They should always encourage you to discuss any therapies with your doctor.
Remember to speak to your doctor or nurse before you have any complementary or alternative therapy, herbal medicines or dietary supplements, and tell your therapist about your health condition and treatment. Your doctor can give you advice about whether a particular therapy, herbal medicine or dietary supplement will have health benefits for you.
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Published: 31 Mar 2021
Next review date: 31 Mar 2027

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