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Adult Disability Payment in Scotland

Published: 9 Jul 2023
Updated: 31 Mar 2024
Next review date: 31 Mar 2025
If you're living with a terminal illness in Scotland, Adult Disability Payment (ADP) could help with any extra costs. It replaced Personal Independence Payment (PIP) in Scotland in 2022.
This information is for people that are living with a terminal illness and applying for ADP.

What is Adult Disability Payment

Adult Disability Payment (ADP) is a new benefit in Scotland for people with a health condition or disability, aged between 16 and State Pension age. It's replacing PIP in Scotland.
Adult Disability Payment is not means-tested. This means whether you can get ADP and how much you get, is not affected by your income, savings, or investments.

Can I claim Adult Disability Payment?

Adult Disability Payment (ADP) is now available across Scotland. You may be able to claim ADP if you meet the following criteria:
  • Age – you must be 16 or over and below State Pension age. Find out your State Pension age at GOV.UK.
  • Illness or disability – you need to have a physical or mental health condition or disability and meet the disability conditions, or have a terminal illness. Read about the disability conditions at mygov.scot.
  • Location – it's now available across Scotland.
  • Income or savings – ADP is not means-tested. This means whether you can get ADP and how much you get, is not affected by your income, savings, or investments.
  • Immigration and residence – you must meet the conditions for this benefit. Use the mygov.scot website to see if you meet these conditions.
  • Required period – if you do not have a terminal illness, you must have met the disability conditions for the 13 weeks before your claim. And you must be likely to meet them for at least the next 39 weeks. Time spent receiving another disability benefit may count towards this total. If you have a terminal illness, you do not need to meet the condition for any time frame.
If you're already claiming ADP when you reach State Pension age, your claim will continue.
If you're State Pension age or over and applying for benefits, you may be able to apply for Attendance Allowance instead.
If you're under 16, you may be able to apply for Child Disability Payment instead.

Can I claim ADP if I'm already claiming another disability benefit?

You cannot claim Adult Disability Payment (ADP) if you currently claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Child Disability Payment (CDP), Attendance Allowance (AA), Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP) or Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
If you receive PIP, you will automatically be moved to ADP. You will not have to make a claim for ADP, there will be no gap in your payments, and you will not be reassessed. This process started in summer 2022 and is being done in phases. It will take until 2025 to move everyone’s benefit across. Find out more about moving from PIP to ADP on mygov.scot.
In Scotland if you receive DLA for children or CDP, you can continue to receive these until you are 18, as long as the claim was made before you were 16.

Are there special rules for people with a terminal illness?

Yes – if you're living with a terminal illness, you may be able to claim ADP under the special rules.

How will the special rules affect my claim?

If you're eligible for ADP under the special rules:
  • your claim will be fast-tracked
  • your claim might be backdated
  • you will not need to meet the required period (how long you've been ill and are expected to be ill for – see Can I claim Adult Disability Payment? above)
  • you will not need any medical assessments
  • you will automatically get the enhanced rate of the daily living component and the mobility component – if you become terminally ill after reaching State Pension age, different rules may apply to the mobility component
  • your payments will not be subject to review, which means you will always receive the highest rates of payment.

Who can apply for ADP under the special rules?

To apply for Adult Disability Payment under the special rules, you must have a terminal illness. This is defined as a disease that gets worse over time and is expected to cause your death. There is no set time frame for how long you might live for.
You can apply under the special rules if you have any illness or condition that is considered terminal, including cancer, organ failure, dementia, stroke, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis and other conditions. These illnesses are not always terminal. If you have questions about your illness, it's best to speak with your healthcare professional.
If you're claiming ADP under the special rules, you still have to meet the criteria to apply for ADP (see Can I claim Adult Disability Payment? above).
If you're applying for a different benefit, the rules for what is considered a terminal illness may be different.

How much is Adult Disability Payment?

Adult Disability Payment is between £26.90 and £172.75 per week.
The amount you get depends on how your condition or disability affects you. Adult Disability Payment has two components – a daily living component and a mobility component. You could get money from one or both of these. Each component has a standard rate and an enhanced rate.
Daily living component for help with everyday activities:
  • Standard rate £68.10
  • Enhanced rate: £101.75
Mobility component for help with getting around:
  • Standard rate: £26.90
  • Enhanced rate: £71.00
If you get an enhanced award for the mobility component, you can apply to lease an accessible vehicle.

How do I claim Adult Disability Payment when I have a terminal illness?

  1. Check you're eligible for Adult Disability Payment (ADP) (see Can I claim Adult Disability Payment? above).
  2. Complete your application for ADP, saying that you're claiming under the special rules.
  3. Ask your doctor or nurse to complete a BASRiS form to confirm that you have a terminal illness (see below).
  4. Your doctor or nurse should send the BASRiS form to Social Security Scotland.

Can Adult Disability Payment be backdated?

If you have a terminal illness, your ADP can be backdated to when you were diagnosed as terminally ill, if you claim within 26 weeks of this date.
If you make a claim more than 26 weeks after your diagnosis, your ADP can be backdated for a maximum of 26 weeks. Your claim can never be backdated to earlier than the date that ADP was introduced (21 March 2022).

What other benefits could I claim?

  • Attendance Allowance – if you're State Pension age or older, need help caring for yourself, and do not already receive a disability benefit.
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – if you're aged 16 or over, have not yet reached State Pension age, need help with daily living or getting around, and you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
  • Carer's Allowance – if you care for someone with a disability or health condition regularly.
  • Universal Credit – if you're aged 18 or over (exceptions apply), you or your partner (if you have one) is below State Pension age, and you have a low income or are out of work.
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) – if you're under State Pension age and your illness makes it difficult or impossible to work.
  • Disability Living Allowance – for children with disabilities aged under 16 in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
  • Child Disability Payment (CDP) – this is replacing DLA for children with disabilities aged under 16 in Scotland.
You will also need to fill in an SR1 medical report form or BASRiS form if you're applying under the special rules for people with a terminal illness. If you've already completed a BASRiS form for a different benefit, you might not need another one. Check with Social Security Scotland.
If you're not sure what you can apply for, you could:
  • try our benefits calculator
  • call our Support Line on 0800 090 2309.

Queries about existing claims

If you have any queries about an existing ADP claim or need to report a change of circumstances, you will need to contact Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222.

Where can I get more help?

Some benefits can affect the other benefits that you or the person you care for get, so it's important you have the right information and advice. See some organisations that can provide further support using the links below.
Here at Marie Curie we cannot provide information about your specific benefit claim. For all queries about claims, you'll need to contact the relevant government department (see Queries about existing claims above).
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Published: 9 Jul 2023
Updated: 31 Mar 2024
Next review date: 31 Mar 2025

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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©2025 Marie Curie. Registered Charity, England and Wales (207994), Scotland (SC038731). Registered company limited by guarantee, England & Wales (507597). Registered Office: One Embassy Gardens, 8 Viaduct Gardens, London SW11 7BW
