Work and money

What happens to my benefits if I'm diagnosed with a terminal illness?

Published: 31 Mar 2024
Next review date: 31 Mar 2025
If you're already claiming benefits and are diagnosed with a terminal illness, the amount of money you get could be increased. This depends on your circumstances and which benefits you are claiming. We explain who is eligible to get increased payments, how to get them, and how else your benefits might change.
If your circumstances have changed since you last applied for benefits, it may be useful to check if there are any other benefits you can now claim.

How will my benefits change?

If you're already claiming certain benefits and you're diagnosed with a terminal illness, this might mean that you:
  • get faster, easier access to some benefits
  • get the highest rate of some benefits (if you're not already getting it)
  • do not need to have any medical assessments.
  • This is part of the special rules for terminal illness (these are sometimes just called the special rules – see the What are the special rules for terminal illness? below).
If you're already getting the highest rate of your benefits, you will not be paid more because you have a terminal illness.

How do I get the higher rate of my benefit?

If you're not already on the highest rate for a benefit, you might be able to get the highest rate if you have a terminal illness.
You do not have to make a new claim under the special rules to get a higher rate of payment. Instead, you should contact the government department that deals with the benefit you're getting. See the sections on each benefit below, for details of who to contact. Or you can write to the address on your award letter and ask for the award to be changed because of a terminal illness. If you're applying under the special rules there is an extra form you will need – read more about this below.
If the government decides to change the decision on your benefits claim to being under the special rules, this is sometimes known as a supersession.

What are the special rules for terminal illness?

People with a terminal illness may be able to claim benefits under the special rules for terminal illness. The special rules vary between benefits, but might mean your claim could be fast-tracked and paid at a higher rate.
The criteria for applying under the special rules depends on which benefit you're applying for.
You can apply under the special rules for the following benefits if you have a disease that gets worse over time and your healthcare professional thinks you might have less than 12 months to live:
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance for children.
You can apply for the following Scottish benefits if you have a disease that gets worse over time and is expected to cause your death. There is no set time frame for how long you might live for:
  • Adult Disability Payment
  • Child Disability Payment.
  • Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment are only available in Scotland.
Even if you're applying under the special rules, you must still qualify for the benefit. Each benefit has different eligibility criteria.

How do I make a claim under the special rules?

You will need an extra form to be able to apply for benefits under the special rules. There are different forms depending on which benefit you're applying for, and where you live.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

If your PIP claim is changed to being under the special rules, you'll automatically become eligible for the enhanced rate of the daily living component (if you're not already getting it). This can be backdated to the date you became terminally ill and began meeting the criteria to apply under the special rules.
You will also no longer need to have medical assessments.
If you're already receiving the enhanced rate of the daily living component, claiming under the special rules will not increase this.
Having a terminal illness does not mean you're automatically entitled to the mobility component of PIP.

How do I get my award backdated?

To have your claim fully backdated, you need to contact the relevant department within one month of finding out you are terminally ill. If it has been longer than one month, the higher rate might still be fully backdated if you had good reason for the delay. For example if you were too ill to contact the department any earlier than you did. Here's who to contact to backdate your claim:
If you're in England, Wales or Scotland, contact the PIP enquiry line: call 0800 121 4433, textphone 0800 121 4493, Relay UK 18001 then 0800 121 4433, or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service.
If you're in Northern Ireland, contact the PIP centre: call 0800 587 0932, textphone 0800 587 0937, or visit nidirect to access the British or Irish Sign Language video relay services.

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

If your claim for New Style ESA is changed to being under the special rules, you will be placed in the support group and will receive the support component of ESA (if you're not already getting it).
If you get income-related ESA, being entitled to the support component means you'll also be entitled to the enhanced disability premium (if you do not already get it). The support component will be backdated to the date you became terminally ill and began meeting the criteria to apply under the special rules (see What are the special rules for terminal illness? above).
You will also no longer need to have medical assessments.

How do I get my award backdated?

To have your claim fully backdated, you need to contact the relevant department within one month of finding out you are terminally ill. If it has been longer than one month, the higher rate might still be fully backdated if you had good reason for the delay. For example, if you were too ill to contact the department any earlier than you did. Here's who to contact to backdate your claim:
If you're in England, Wales or Scotland, contact the Jobcentre Plus: call** 0800 169 0310**, for Welsh Language call 0800 328 1744, textphone 0800 169 0314, Relay UK 18001 then 0800 169 0310, or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service.
If you're in Northern Ireland, contact the Employment and Support Allowance Centre: call 0800 587 1377, textphone 0800 328 3419, or visit nidirect to access the British or Irish Sign Language video relay services.

Attendance Allowance

If your claim for Attendance Allowance is changed to being under the special rules, you will automatically become eligible for the higher rate (if you're not already getting it). This can be backdated to the date you became terminally ill and began meeting the criteria to apply under the special rules (see What are the special rules for terminal illness? above).
You will also no longer need to have medical assessments.

How do I get my award backdated?

To have your claim fully backdated, you need to contact the relevant department within one month of finding out you are terminally ill. If it has been longer than one month, the higher rate might still be fully backdated if you had good reason for the delay. For example. if you were too ill to contact the department any earlier than you did. Here's who to contact to backdate your claim:
If you're in England, Wales or Scotland, contact the Attendance Allowance helpline: call 0800 731 0122, textphone 0800 731 0317, Relay UK 18001 then 0800 731 0122, or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service.
If you're in Northern Ireland, contact the Disability and Carers Service: call 0800 587 0912, textphone** 0800 012 1574**, or visit nidirect to access the British or Irish Sign Language video relay services.

Disability Living Allowance (DLA)

If you turned 65 on or after 8 April 2013 – if you're already getting DLA for adults and you become terminally ill, this counts as a change in circumstances. This means you'll need to make a claim for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) under the special rules. This is because PIP is replacing DLA for adults. It's a good idea to make a claim as soon as possible because new claims for PIP cannot be backdated. Visit our page on DLA for more information about moving from DLA to PIP.
If you turned 65 before 8 April 2013 – you will not have to claim PIP, and you can remain on DLA as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. If this applies to you and you then become eligible to make a claim under the special rules, the amount of DLA you receive might increase. You will automatically be entitled to the highest rate of the care component. This can be backdated to the date you became terminally ill and began meeting the criteria to apply under the special rules (see What are the special rules for terminal illness? above).
You will also no longer need to have medical assessments.
Having a terminal illness does not mean you are automatically entitled to the mobility component of DLA.

How do I get my award backdated?

To have your claim fully backdated, you need to contact the relevant department within one month of finding out you are terminally ill. If it has been longer than one month, the higher rate might still be fully backdated if you had good reason for the delay. For example, if you were too ill to contact the department any earlier than you did. Here's who to contact to backdate your claim:
If you're in England, Wales or Scotland – contact the Disability Service Centre:
  • If you were born after 8 April 1948 – call 0800 121 4600, textphone 0800 121 4523, Relay UK 18001 then 0800 121 4600, or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service.
  • If you were born on or before 8 April 1948 – call 0800 731 0122, textphone 0800 731 0317, Relay UK 1800 then 0800 731 0122, or visit GOV.UK to access the video relay service.
If you're in Northern Ireland, contact the Disability and Carers Service: call 0800 587 0912, textphone 0800 012 1574, or visit nidirect to access the British or Irish Sign Language video relay service.

Universal Credit

If your claim for Universal Credit is changed to being under the special rules, you will receive the limited capability for work-related activity element (LCWRA). (This is unless you or your partner are already getting it.) This can be included with no waiting period, and can be backdated to the first day of the monthly assessment period in which you became terminally ill, and began meeting the criteria to apply under the special rules (see What are the special rules for terminal illness? above).
Even if you're already getting the LCWRA element, you should still tell the Universal Credit team. This will stop them from continuing regular medical reassessments.
Being entitled to the LCWRA element, also means you are eligible for a work allowance. A work allowance means you can earn a certain amount, without this affecting how much Universal Credit you get. Anything you earn over your work allowance will affect your Universal Credit. It's best to speak to a benefits adviser if you have any questions about this.

How do I get my award backdated?

To have your claim fully backdated, you need to contact the relevant department within one month of finding out you are terminally ill. If it has been longer than one month, the higher rate might still be fully backdated if you had good reason for the delay. (For example if you were too ill to contact the department any earlier than you did.) Here's who to contact to backdate your claim:
Tell the DWP about your terminal diagnosis through your Universal Credit Account on GOV.UK below (this is called reporting a chance of circumstance) or
If you're in England, Wales or Scotland, contact the Universal Credit helpline: call 0800 328 5644, Welsh language 0800 328 1744, textphone 0800 328 1344, Relay UK 18001 then 0800 328 5644, or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service.
If you're in Northern Ireland, contact the Universal Credit Service Centre: call 0800 012 1331, textphone 0800 012 1441, or visit nidirect to access the British and Irish Sign Language video relay service.

Adult Disability Payment

If your claim for Adult Disability Payment is changed to being under the special rules, you'll normally be entitled to the enhanced rate of the daily living and mobility components (if you do not already receive them). Exceptions apply to the mobility component if you are State Pension age – contact a benefits adviser for information about this (see Where can I get more help? below). Your entitlement to these components can be backdated to the date you became terminally ill, and began meeting the criteria to apply under the special rules (see What are the special rules for terminal illness? above).

How do I get my award backdated?

If you have a terminal illness, your ADP can be backdated to when you were diagnosed as terminally ill, if you claim within 26 weeks of this date.
If you make a claim more than 26 weeks after your diagnosis, your ADP can be backdated for a maximum of 26 weeks. Your claim can never be backdated to earlier than the date that ADP was introduced (21 March 2022).
To have your claim fully backdated, you need to contact the relevant department:
  • Call Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222 – help on this number is available in over 100 languages.
  • If you're a British Sign Language user, you can use the contactSCOTLAND app to contact Social Security Scotland by video call.

Where can I get more help?

Some benefits can affect the other benefits that you or the person you care for get, so it's important you have the right information and advice. See some organisations that can provide further support using the links below.
Here at Marie Curie we cannot provide information about your specific benefit claim. For all queries about claims, you'll need to contact the relevant government department (see above).
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Published: 31 Mar 2024
Next review date: 31 Mar 2025

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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