

Published: 17 Apr 2024
Updated: 20 Jan 2025
Next review date: 17 Apr 2030
Fatigue is extreme tiredness. Nearly all people living with a terminal illness will have fatigue at some point. Fatigue can be frustrating and upsetting and mean you are less able to carry out your usual activities. But you can make small changes to your daily routine which can improve your energy levels.

What is fatigue?

Fatigue is a persistent feeling of extreme tiredness, weakness or lack of energy. It’s different to normal tiredness as it’s not necessarily caused by doing lots of exercise or movement. And it’s not always relieved by rest or sleep.
People living with a terminal illness often describe fatigue as one of the most difficult symptoms to manage.

How fatigue can affect your life

People sometimes say that having fatigue is like being ‘wiped out’, ‘hitting a brick wall’ or a feeling of ‘sudden crashing tiredness’.
Fatigue can affect all aspects of your life and can cause:
  • extreme tiredness
  • feeling weak
  • your arms and legs to feel heavy
  • difficulty sleeping or an altered sleep pattern
  • difficulty carrying out activities like washing and dressing
  • difficulties with short-term memory
  • difficulty concentrating, which makes it hard to do activities like reading, driving and socialising
  • loss of interest in sex
  • difficulty making decisions
  • low mood
  • lack of motivation.
Fatigue can happen at unpredictable times, and it can mean you are less able to do the activities you enjoy. It can also affect relationships with those around you, as you might need more support.
Fatigue can trigger lots of emotions. You may feel guilty about not being able to do as much at work or at home as you used to. You may feel frustrated if you feel like you’re missing out on things, or angry if you cannot work out what’s causing your fatigue. It's very important to remember that having fatigue is not your fault.

At first, you feel regret, guilt and frustration that you cannot do as much as you used to be able to. But you can accept it and find a new starting point.
Colin, living with fatigue

Causes of fatigue

There can be lots of causes of fatigue when you’re living with a terminal or life-limiting illness.
Sometimes, the exact cause can be difficult to pinpoint. Things that affect fatigue include:
  • illnesses including cancer, heart and lung disease, kidney failure, hypothyroidism and neurodegenerative conditions such as motor neurone disease
  • treatments, especially radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery
  • medicines, such as opioids and antihistamines
  • low blood count (anaemia)
  • problems sleeping
  • depression and anxiety
  • illness-related weight loss (sometimes called ‘cachexia’)
  • poor nutrition
  • not being as active as before
  • environment – having lots of visitors, for example, can add to someone’s fatigue.
If you think you have fatigue, speak to your doctor or nurse. They can look into what’s causing it and support you with ways to treat it.

Explaining fatigue to other people

You might find it hard to explain to other people what this type of overwhelming tiredness is like. And you might feel guilty about feeling so tired − and that you cannot do the things you want to do.  
But because fatigue is ‘invisible’, people may not know that you have it unless you tell them. If you can explain to others how you’re feeling, it can help them understand and think about how they can support you.  
You might want to tell people who can give you specific practical support (for example, your employer). Or you might want to share how you’re feeling with any family or friends, so they can understand what support you need.
You can explain to them that you do not have as much energy now as you used to. And that you need to use the energy you have for the things that are most important to you. It might help to tell them that fatigue is different from normal tiredness – resting more or being less active will not necessarily help. You could send them this page if you think it would be helpful.
It can also be an opportunity to ask for help if there are things you’re finding more difficult. This could be things like shopping, driving or housework.

Fatigue diary and planner

Keeping a diary of your energy levels can help you spot if you’re more tired at a particular time of the day, or after doing certain activities. It’s called a fatigue diary. You can share it with your doctor or nurse. It can be helpful for them to see how fatigue is affecting you. 
You can also look back at your fatigue diary and then use this information to help you plan what you do in a week, using a fatigue planner. You might want to share the fatigue planner with people important to you so they can support you with your activities.

Getting support with fatigue

People often assume that nothing can be done to help fatigue. But there are professionals that can help you.
Speak to your GP, hospital doctor or hospice doctor about your fatigue. They can look into what’s causing the fatigue, prescribe medicines that may help, and recommend ways to manage it.
They might also refer you to other professionals who can help you:
  • Physiotherapists, who can help you develop your strength and recommend gentle exercises to help.
  • Occupational therapists (OTs), who can recommend equipment to help with daily life.
  • Hospices, who may have group sessions in the day to help with fatigue.
  • Clinical nurse specialists or palliative care nurses, who can give advice on managing fatigue.
  • Social workers, who can help you get support at home.
  • Social prescribers, who can tell you about local practical and emotional support.
  • Counsellors or emotional support professionals, who can help with the impact fatigue has on your life and relationships.
If you’re not sure where to start but would like to talk to someone, contact
the free Marie Curie Support Line on 0800 090 2309 or email us at  support@mariecurie.org.uk

Speaking to other people who have fatigue and know what it feels like is really helpful. When I come to the gym at the hospice, I do not need to explain what it’s like to the other people there. They get it.
Colin, living with fatigue

Making the most of your energy

There are ways of doing things that can help you manage fatigue. It can help if you start thinking differently about how you do things and plan activities to make the most of your energy. 
You may find it helps to imagine that all the energy you have is stored in a battery. The battery only has a set amount of charge before it needs to be recharged. In the same way, you have a set amount of energy to do all the things you want to do. So, give yourself time to rest and recharge when you need to.  
The five Ps – prioritising, planning ahead, pacing yourself, positioning and permission – are a way of making the most of the energy you have.


If you do not have enough energy to do the things you used to do, think about what matters most to you and prioritise these things.
What’s most important is different for everyone. For some people it will be spending time with others like friends, family or children. For other people it may be very important to be able to work, or get outside into nature, or watch a sport, or keep up with a hobby. 
You could start by making a list of the things that you want to do. Then highlight the ones that matter most. Try to include things that you enjoy and can help you relax as well as work or things you need to do. 

Planning ahead

Plan ahead by thinking about what you want to do in a week. Then spread activities across the week. Try to avoid having two busy days together. If you have a very busy day, plan a rest for the day after. And think about timing your activities in a day − so that you can rest before starting on something else. 
Some people like to use a diary to plan ahead (see Fatigue diary and planner above). Or you might want to note it on your phone or phone calendar. And having something to look back on can help you to plan activities for the times when you seem to have the most energy.   

Pacing yourself

If you’re not used to doing things more slowly, you may find this difficult. But try to take the time you need and pace yourself.  It’s also OK to ask for help if you need to. It’s important to try to listen to your body and understand your own limits. 


Doing things in a different way or in a different position, can save you energy. For example, sitting down to chop vegetables or sort out the washing uses less energy than doing them standing up. So, think about whether there are easier ways to do some things. 


Give yourself permission to do things differently. This might mean asking for help with things you used to do by yourself. Or it might mean taking rests and having a nap. 
Even if you plan ahead, you might not always have enough energy to do the things you planned to do. So, be kind to yourself and try not to worry if you do not get through what you wanted to that day.

I have a nap in the afternoon. I know that I’ll have around 45 minutes sleep after lunch and it helps. If I’ve got a lot on, I might have to miss the nap and then I’ll be more tired in the evening. I had to give myself permission to do this and not feel guilty about it.
Colin, living with fatigue

Medical treatment

Your doctors or nurses might be able to identify and treat anything that may cause fatigue. For example, blood transfusions can be helpful if you have anaemia.
Occasionally your doctor will suggest medicines, such as steroids, to improve appetite and energy levels. They may also review your current medicines to see if any could be making your fatigue worse.

Physical activity

Regular physical activity enhances energy levels and can improve quality of sleep at night.
Try to stay as active as you can without overdoing it. This might seem like an odd thing to say when it takes energy to do exercise, but being active can give you more energy. And using your muscles can help to keep them stronger which can help you to maintain your independence.
These are things to be aware of if you’re doing physical activity: 
  • You should still be able to talk in short phrases while you exercise. Slow down until you recover your breath if you find it too difficult to talk. 
  • Controlled breathing exercises are a way to manage your breathing while you exercise.
Physical activity could be things like walking, gardening or swimming. But simply moving your arms and legs in bed or in a chair can also be helpful. If possible, try to do something that you enjoy. A physiotherapist can help you find the best activities for you. 
In some areas of the UK, doctors can prescribe exercises classes. They might be held at a local gym or at the hospital. Some hospices also run sessions where you can use the gym. Ask your doctor or physiotherapist if there are exercise classes you can join in your area. 


Getting a good night’s sleep can help to boost your energy. But we know it can be difficult to get enough sleep when you’re living with a terminal illness. It could be because you’re worried, you cannot do as much in the day, or because you have symptoms that are making it more difficult to sleep. 
You may find that these tips can help you to sleep better: 

During the day

  • If you can do some physical activity during the day, this can help you to sleep at night. Or just getting outside for a while in natural light and fresh air may help.
  • Following a routine, for example getting up and going to bed at the same time every day, may improve your sleep at night.

Before bed

  • Try to do things that help you relax before bed. Listening to music or trying relaxation techniques such as deep breathing might help. Some people find having a bath before bed helps them get to sleep too.
  • Doing the same routine each night can help you feel ready for sleep. 
  • Avoid caffeine after midday and nicotine and alcohol in the evening.

In bed

  • If possible, go to bed in a room that’s quiet, calm and at a comfortable temperature.
  • If it’s too noisy, you may want to try earplugs. 
  • Try not to use electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones in bed. 
If being worried or having too many thoughts is making it harder to sleep, it can help to keep a pen and paper beside your bed. Write down the things you’re thinking or worrying about before you try to go to sleep, or you can write them down if you wake up in the night. Just writing worries down can help calm your mind and you may be able to deal with some things in the morning.

Eating well

Food is fuel for your body and helps to maintain energy levels. But having an illness can affect your appetite. If you’re finding it difficult to eat, speak to your doctor or nurse. They can refer you to a dietitian. 
If you find eating tiring, try having smaller portions and snacks throughout the day. Try to make the most of times when you feel hungry, or when your appetite is best. And if your taste changes, try different foods and eat the food that taste best to you now.
You might find you do not have the energy to prepare meals. If there’s a friend or family member who you can ask to help, that could be a way that they can support you. You can also ask your doctor or social worker about getting healthy meals delivered to your home.


Finding ways to relax can help you to manage fatigue. Try to find time to relax every day.  
You might find it helps to: 
  • do breathing exercises 
  • listen to music or an audiobook
  • spend time outside 
  • have a bath 
  • try meditating.  
People can find meditation apps like Headspace or Calm helpful for relaxation and to support a better night’s sleep. Some of these apps start with a free trial but you may need to pay for them later.

Complementary therapies

Some people find that complementary therapies like acupuncture, reiki or massage make them feel more relaxed, and this can help to manage fatigue. l Speak to your doctor or nurse before having complementary therapy. They can advise you on the safety of different types of therapy. Some complementary therapies might not be suitable or safe for you, depending on your health condition and treatment.

Emotional support

Living with fatigue can be difficult. It might make you feel depressed, frustrated, anxious or guilty. If you’re finding it hard to cope, try talking to someone you trust about how you’re feeling. This could be a friend, family member or your doctor or nurse.  
You can also contact our free Marie Curie Support Line on 0800 090 2309* for practical information and emotional support. Or you can email us at support@mariecurie.org.uk
Your doctor or nurse can prescribe medicines to help, and they can refer you to another professional for more support. A counsellor or psychologist can help you to understand and work through your feelings.
Counselling is a talking therapy that is sometimes free at hospices, hospitals or GP surgeries. If this is something you want to try, ask your doctor or nurse. They can let you know what talking therapies are available locally and can help you decide which treatment is best for you. For more information about free counselling services speak to your GP. 
You may also be able to get private counselling, which you need to pay for. For more information, ask your doctor or look for a qualified counsellor near you.
Having depression or anxiety can also make your fatigue harder to manage. Getting support for depression and anxiety may help to improve your fatigue too.

Fatigue towards the end of life

People can feel more fatigued as their illness progresses and they approach the end of their life. You can still use all the techniques that have helped before such as pacing yourself and planning what you do. But the things that are most important to you might change and you might want to prioritise different things. 
Towards the end of life, everyday activities may become too tiring to do. Needing to sleep or rest more than usual is normal.  
You can also contact the free Marie Curie Support Line on 0800 090 2309*. Or email us at  support@mariecurie.org.uk

Supporting someone with fatigue

If your friend or family member has fatigue, there are things you can do to support them: 
  • Understand that your relationship to the person might change as they may need you to help them with more activities.
  • Talk to them about what activities are most important for them now. 
  • Support them to do those activities at their own pace. 
  • Support them to do things independently if they can. Be aware that how much they can do might change over time.  
  • Be prepared that you might need to take on more tasks such as cooking and cleaning. If you need extra help with this, speak to the person’s doctor or their social worker, if they have one. 
  • Encourage the person to talk about any fears or worries they have.  
Supporting someone with a terminal illness can be rewarding but it can also be very challenging. If you need extra support, speak to your GP about how you’re feeling. They can support you with your own health, refer you to a social worker or recommend support groups in your local area.  
You can also call the free Marie Curie Support Line on 0800 090 2309. Or email us at support@mariecurie.org.uk.
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Published: 17 Apr 2024
Updated: 20 Jan 2025
Next review date: 17 Apr 2030

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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