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Benefits when someone is affected by terminal illness

Published: 31 Mar 2024
Next review date: 31 Mar 2028
When someone is living with a terminal illness or supporting someone who is, they may be able to claim benefits. If they have a terminal illness, they can apply for some benefits to be paid more quickly and at the highest rate. This is known as applying under the special rules.
Patients need a form completed by a healthcare professional to be able to apply under the special rules. This page is an overview of benefits for people affected by terminal illness, the special rules, and which form you need to complete in which situation.
The links to more information are directed at people affected by terminal illness, but may be useful for health and social care professionals too.
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What benefits could people apply for?

Here are the main benefits people could claim with information on who is eligible for each one:
  • Attendance Allowance – if they're State Pension age or older and need help caring for themselves.
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) – if they're aged between 16 and State Pension age, need help with daily living or getting around, and live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.
  • Adult Disability Payment (Scotland only) – this is replacing PIP in Scotland. From 29 August 2022, people can apply if they're aged 16 or over, have not yet reached State Pension age, have an illness or disability and live in Scotland.
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) – if they're under State Pension age and their illness makes it difficult or impossible to work.
  • Universal Credit – if they're aged 18 or over, they or their partner (if they have one) is below State Pension age, and they have a low income or are out of work.
  • Carer's Allowance – if they care for someone regularly.
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – for disabled children under 16 in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. DLA for adults has been replaced by PIP. However, some adults may still receive DLA if they have not yet transferred to PIP.
  • Child Disability Payment (Scotland only) – this is replacing DLA for children in Scotland. This benefit is for disabled children aged under 16.
In Scotland, if someone receives DLA for children or CDP, they can continue to receive these until they are 18, as long as the claim was made before they were 16.
Each benefit has different rules about who can get it. Most of these benefits are not based on whether someone has paid National Insurance in the past (except for Employment and Support Allowance). Most of them are not affected by any other income or savings people have (except for Universal Credit).

What are the special rules for terminal illness?

People living with a terminal illness may be able to apply for some benefits under the special rules. The special rules vary depending on which benefit someone is claiming, but might mean that they:
  • get faster, easier access to some benefits
  • get the highest rate of some benefits
  • do not need to have any medical assessments.

Who can apply for benefits under the special rules?

A patient can apply under the special rules for the following benefits if they have a disease that gets worse over time, and a healthcare professional thinks they might have less than 12 months to live:
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children.
A patient can apply for the following Scottish benefits if they have a disease that gets worse over time and is expected to cause their death. There is no set time frame for how long they might live for:
  • Adult Disability Payment
  • Child Disability Payment.
Adult Disability Payment and Child Disability Payment are only available in Scotland.

How does someone make a claim under the special rules?

  • They need to check they're eligible for the benefit they're applying for.
  • They need to apply for the benefit, saying they're claiming under the special rules for terminal illness.
  • Information about how to claim each benefit can be found on the separate pages for Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Attendance Allowance, Adult Disability Payment, Employment Support Allowance (ESA), and Universal Credit.
  • They need a healthcare professional to complete the relevant medical form to confirm they have a terminal illness (see Which form do I need to use? below).

Which form do I need to use?

If the patient is claiming for benefits under the special rules, a healthcare professional needs to send supporting information to the relevant government department, when they make the claim. This form provides information about the person's condition and treatment.
Which form you need depends on which benefit the patient is applying for.
You need to complete an SR1 medical report form if the patient is applying for:
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children
  • Universal Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).
You need to complete a BASRiS (Benefits Assessment under Special Rules in Scotland) form if the patient is applying for:
  • Adult Disability Payment (Scotland only)
  • Child Disability Payment (Scotland only).

Watch: SR1 medical report form: Daffodil Standards briefing for GPsWatch: SR1 medical report form: Daffodil Standards briefing for GPs

This video explains how, as a GP, you can support your patients in applying for benefits using the SR1 medical report form.

Who can complete the forms?

The SR1 medical report form can be completed by a registered clinician such as:
  • a GP
  • a hospital consultant
  • a hospice doctor
  • a registered nurse.
A registered nurse needs to have the relevant knowledge and expertise to undertake the assessment. They may be working in a role such as an advanced nurse practitioner, Macmillan nurse, clinical nurse specialist or practice nurse with expertise in the management of long-term conditions.
There are different rules for who can complete BASRiS forms (see the guidance linked below).

How do I complete the forms?

The form should be completed by the healthcare professional (see links below for guidance).
There is also a Social Security Scotland helpline for clinicians if you need support completing the BASRiS form.

Where do I get the forms?

SR1 medical report forms – see how to get electronic and paper copies at GOV.UK (see link below).
BASRiS form – A new version of the BASRiS form was released on 15th December 2022 (see link below). When the BASRiS form was first introduced, Social Security Scotland sent BASRiS forms to GP Practices, Hospices, private practices and NHS boards. These old forms will now need to be destroyed.

Where do I send completed forms?

SR1 medical report form – you can return completed SR1 medical report forms by online portal (England only), email or post (see link below).
BASRiS form – you should return completed BASRiS forms to Social Security Scotland (see link below).

Useful websites

Department for Work and Pensions – Information about benefits, the special rules and SR1 medical report forms.
Social Security Scotland – Information for professionals on when to complete a BASRiS form.
The Scottish Government – Guidance for doctors and nurses completing the BASRiS form for terminal illness.
Social Security Scotland – Frequently asked questions about the BASRiS form.
Department for Communities Northern Ireland – Benefits Information for Healthcare Professionals.
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Published: 31 Mar 2024
Next review date: 31 Mar 2028

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