Key points
- Delirium is a serious and distressing condition.
- Identifying delirium early is important because it increases the person's chance of recovery from delirium and it helps us provide better care for the person with delirium and those close to them.
- Using a delirium detection tool helps healthcare professionals to detect delirium.
- If someone has delirium, use the term 'delirium', rather than non-specific words like 'confusion'.
- Delirium may have more than one cause.
- Many people will recover from delirium if the underlying causes are treated.
- Towards the end of life, people may not recover from their delirium, and healthcare professionals should focus on making them comfortable.
- Remember to offer explanation and support to families and suggest how they can help.
- Only use medicines if the person with delirium is very distressed, and other strategies have not helped.
Watch: Caring for someone with deliriumWatch: Caring for someone with delirium
This video for health and social care professionals explains what delirium is, how to recognise it, and how it’s treated.
Understanding delirium
- feel confused and develop problems with their memory
- feel disorientated – not know where they are or what time of day it is, or recognise the people around them
- have difficulty talking and understanding what people say to them
- find it difficult to concentrate
- say or do things that are out of character
- experience auditory or visual hallucinations
- think that people are trying to harm them.
Delirium and dementia
Types of delirium
- Hyperactive delirium is when the person is anxious, restless or agitated.
- Hypoactive delirium is when the person seems sad, withdrawn, and drowsy.
- A person with mixed delirium has symptoms which fluctuate between hyperactive and hypoactive delirium.
Causes of delirium
- having an infection
- being dehydrated
- having poorly controlled pain
- being constipated or in urinary retention
- liver or renal failure
- electrolyte imbalances like hypercalcaemia (high levels of calcium in the blood) or hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose levels)
- hypoxia (low oxygen levels)
- medicines, especially sedatives or strong analgesics
- having surgery
- having a stroke
- withdrawal from medicines and alcohol.
- people who are approaching the end of their life
- older adults
- people with hearing or sight loss
- people with dementia
- people with depression or other psychiatric illnesses
- people who are on lots of medicines or have several health problems.
Identifying delirium
The 4 'A's test or 4AT
- when delirium is suspected or
- to check or screen for delirium when people move to a new place of care, such as a hospital or care home.
Treating delirium
Treating the underlying causes of delirium
Ways to support people with delirium
Engage with family, friends and other people close to the person with delirium
- whether the person uses glasses, hearing aids, or any other accessibility tools
- to bring in or keep nearby familiar photos or favourite items, to help engage with the person
- what the person's favourite music or sounds are
- to stay nearby as much as possible – especially if they are in an unfamiliar place, or less familiar people, like healthcare staff, are also in the room.
Practice good communication
- Talk in simple sentences about familiar things.
- Try to speak clearly and softly. Check that they understand you.
- If they find it difficult to talk, ask simple questions where they can give "yes" or "no" answers. Consider asking 'do you feel frightened' or 'are you in pain.'
- If they're distressed, try to find out and address what's causing this – for example, are they in pain, thirsty, worried or constipated?
- If they believe things that are not true, or are worried that someone is trying to harm them, reassure them and let them know they are safe.
Look after their health and wellbeing
- Keep their environment as calm as possible – avoid loud noises and too many visitors.
- Help keep them orientated. Have a clock nearby.
- Help them to drink and eat.
- Support them to remain active – help them to sit up or move around safely. Read more about how to help someone to walk, sit and stand up using the link below.
- If they cannot go outside, offer to take them near a window to get some daylight.
- Help prevent them from developing pressure sores. Read more about pressure damage using the link below.
- Help them maintain a good sleep pattern. For example, have a bedtime routine and dim the lights at nighttime.
- Avoid caffeinated drinks after lunchtime, as these can affect sleep. Offer decaffeinated drinks instead, such as water or squash.
- If the person is in hospital, try to avoid moving them to different wards.