Encouraging and helping others fundraise

Help other people in your community fundraise for Marie Curie. By sharing your expert fundraising advice your fundraising group could raise more money.

Fundraising My Way is the name we give to events and activities organised by the public in aid of our work. Be it individually, with friends, family or colleagues, the variety is as wide as the imaginations of the people who support us.

How can your Fundraising Group help?

 By being visible, encouraging people to fundraise for us and offering your experience, you can help raise even more money for Marie Curie services.

This is not about you taking on the fundraising yourselves. It's about encouraging and advising where needed and saying thank you.

Be careful not to get too involved. Remember, it is always the supporter’s event. Make sure they know your role is to only encourage and advise, not to physically take part in the event itself or to organise. If a group or group member becomes too involved it will in reality turn it into a fundraising group event and this will require following Marie Curie processes for fundraising group events.

This should not however, stop you from attending the event as a member of the public to show moral support on the day and saying a few words of thanks on behalf of Marie Curie.

Benefits to your Fundraising Group

  • You can raise more money!
  • Someone else will organise the logistics while you offer expert advice if needed. 
  • Supporter events are often repeatable annual events, providing a reliable income annually.
  • Lots of people in your community can get involved.

How can you encourage people to fundraise in your area?

Have a session at one of your meetings exploring who you know

  • What business parks are in their local area? Who knows someone who works there? Who should approach them?
  • What social clubs and groups are members part of? What other groups are you aware of in their local area?
  • What other connections do you have? Perhaps you have connections with schools, faith groups, a pub quiz or universities.

Look out for events in local papers, newsletters, social media

If you spot any events that have been organised in aid of a charity you could approach the organiser to hold the event for Marie Curie.

Ask your Community Fundraiser

There may be supporters you can look after to get you started. Your Community Fundraiser can also show you the materials we give to Fundraising My Way supporters.

Organise an engagement event

Invite local businesses/social groups: "The ‘…….’Fundraising Group would like to invite you for tea and cake to find out more about Marie Curie and how you can help fundraise."

Keep up the momentum

Highlight the need for people to fundraise locally at any talks you do. And discuss Fundraising My Way opportunities in your meetings - make it a standing item on your agenda.

Examples of success

Lincoln Fundraising Group

Support a Tractor Run that came about when one of the group approached the organiser and asked if they could fundraise for Marie Curie. This has now become annual event and brings in £1,000. 

Truro Fundraising Group

They developed a link with their local Barclays Bank. This came about through a friend of the group Chairman, who had been working with Karen from Barclays on other events. When the opportunity arose for Karen to organise a charity quiz evening in Truro, the chairman’s friend, suggested supporting the Truro Fundraising Group. The evening raised £5,000 which is being match funded so a total of 10,000. 

Moray Fundraising Group

They have been hugely successful with generating Fundraising My Way support in their area. For example they support a quiz night hosted by friend of a member, which now happens twice a year and raises almost £900.