Marie Curie Speaker resources
Find everything you need to plan, prepare and deliver your talk or presentation for Marie Curie.
Your role as a Speaker
As a Marie Curie Speaker, you're representing our charity and providing a picture of our impact locally, nationally and through personal stories.
Completing this training will help you develop your knowledge of Marie Curie and your confidence to talk about our work.
How to find and book your talks
See some tried and tested ways to find speaking opportunities in your local area.
Planning your talk
A helpful checklist and useful downloads to help you plan your talk, as well as what to do afterwards.
Tools for your talk
Scripts, presentations, frequently asked questions, fact sheets and links for you to use to support you talk.
Stories for your talk
It's always great to build your talk around your own experiences of Marie Curie. But you might find these stories from others helpful, too.
After your talk
What to follow up on afterwards, such as banking donations, letting your community fundraiser know how it went and thanking your host.
Have comments, suggestions or ideas?
Contact us at or speak to your Community Fundraiser.