
End of life breathing changes

Published: 29 Aug 2024
Next review date: 29 Aug 2030
In the last days and hours of life, people may experience noisy breathing, breathlessness and shallow or irregular breathing. Not everyone has these changes, but many people will. On this page, we explain some breathing changes your family member or friend might have and what can help.
You might find some of the descriptions of breathing changes on this page upsetting. If you do not feel ready to read this page, you could come back to it at a different time. You can also contact our free Support Line on 0800 090 2309 or email support@mariecurie.org.uk.

Noisy breathing towards the end of life

Towards the end of life, some people’s breathing becomes loud – it might sound wet, gurgly or rattly. Noisy breathing happens if secretions (saliva and mucus) have built up in their throat or airways.
Noisy breathing is unlikely to be painful or distressing for the person. But it can be upsetting or worrying for people around them to hear these noises. If you’re concerned, speak to their doctor, nurse or care home staff.

Breathlessness towards the end of life

Some people feel breathless or short of breath towards the end of life. You might hear this called dyspnoea (also spelled dyspnea).
Some people experience this throughout their illness, while others experience it in the last weeks, days and hours of life. At this stage, breathlessness might get worse.

What can help with breathlessness towards the end of life?

Things that can help with end of life breathlessness include:
  • using a fan or opening a window to create a breeze
  • creating a relaxing environment – being anxious can make breathlessness worse
  • reassuring the person by holding their hand and talking to them
  • medicines, in some cases.
If the breathlessness is new, getting worse or the person is finding it distressing, speak to their doctor or nurse. They might give them medicines to make them more comfortable and ease any distress.
Some people with low oxygen levels might find oxygen therapy helps, but this will not help everyone. If the person is using an oxygen mask, the doctor or nurse might take this off at this stage if it is not helping them. This is so that there is less medical equipment and so you can see their face.
Breathlessness can be worse if the person is anxious, so helping them feel relaxed and reassured may help. It can help to make them as comfortable as possible by trying to distract them by reading to them, talking to them or listening to music.

Shallow or irregular breathing towards the end of life

As the moment of death comes nearer, the person’s breathing may slow down and become irregular. It might stop and then start again or there might be long pauses or stops between breaths.
Sometimes the person‘s breathing will change in a pattern from:
  • rapid or normal breathing, and then
  • slow breathing, and then
  • stops or pauses in breathing, and then
  • normal breathing.
This is known as Cheyne-Stokes breathing.

How long does shallow or irregular breathing last before death?

Shallow or irregular breathing sometimes happens for a couple of days but sometimes only lasts for hours or minutes before breathing finally stops.

Jaw breathing towards the end of life

The person’s mouth might open and their jaw might move when they breathe. This is sometimes called mandibular breathing. It often happens in the last day or hours before dying.

Are breathing changes at the end of life uncomfortable?

The breathing changes we describe on this page are usually a normal part of the dying process. They are not usually uncomfortable for the person. If you are worried the person seems distressed or they have any new symptoms, speak to their doctor or nurse.

What you can do to help someone with breathing changes

You can speak to the person’s doctor, nurse or care home staff if:
  • the person seems distressed, uncomfortable or in pain
  • they have breathlessness that is new or getting worse
  • you have any concerns or worries
  • you're not sure whether they are dying.
You do not have to deal with these symptoms alone. The person’s doctor or nurse can assess any symptoms they are having, explain them to you and see if there is anything that can help.
Breathlessness can feel worse if the person is anxious. It might be reassuring for them if you speak calmly to them and hold or stroke their hand gently. Even if someone is unconscious, they may still be able to hear or feel you.
Try to look after yourself during this time. It might help to take some breaks from being with the person, go for a walk, or speak to other family or friends for support. You can also call our free Support Line on 0800 090 2309 or email support@mariecurie.org.uk.
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Published: 29 Aug 2024
Next review date: 29 Aug 2030

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