Work and money

Carer’s Credit and your State Pension

Published: 25 Jun 2022
Next review date: 31 Mar 2024
If you're not able to work because you're caring for someone, you may not be able to pay National Insurance contributions. Carer's Credit is a National Insurance Credit (not a payment) that could help with this. It helps protect your State Pension, as this is based on National Insurance contributions. It is especially worth looking into if you cannot claim Carer's Allowance.

What is Carer's Credit?

Carer's Credit does not provide you with any money. It is a National Insurance credit which helps to fill gaps in your National Insurance record. If you're caring for someone with a disability or illness, including a terminal illness, this might affect your ability to work. This may cause gaps in your National Insurance record.
The government can give you Carer's Credit to fill any gaps in your National Insurance record, so you can still qualify for benefits such as your State Pension.
Whether you are entitled to Carer's Credit is not affected by any income, savings or investments you have.

Can I claim Carer's Credit?

To get Carer's Credit, you must be:
You do not need to get Carer's Allowance to qualify for Carer's Credit.
The person you're caring for must get one of these benefits for you to get Carer's Credit:
If they do not get any of these benefits, you might still be able to get Carer's Credit. When you apply, you should fill in a Care Certificate. Part of this form needs to be filled out and signed by a health or social care professional who knows the person you care for. See below for more information about this.
If you get Carer's Allowance, you do not need to apply for Carer's Credit as you will automatically receive Class 1 National Insurance credits instead.

How much is Carer's Credit?

You do not receive a payment. Instead, you will be credited with a Class 3 National Insurance credit for every week you qualify.

How to claim Carer's Credit?

1: Check you're eligible for Carer's Credit.
2: Apply for Carer's Credit. You will need to complete an application form – see where to get these below. You cannot apply for Carer's Credit online.
If you live in England, Scotland or Wales:
  • Download the application form (and Care Certificate if you need this – see below for more information). You can get these from GOV.UK.
  • Get the form by contacting the Carer's Allowance Unit: call 0800 731 0297, textphone 0800 731 0317, Relay UK 18001 then 0800 731 0297, or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service.
If you live in Northern Ireland:
3: Complete a Care Certificate if you need to. The Carer's Credit application form will tell you whether or not you need this. Part of the Care Certificate needs to be filled out and signed by a health or social care professional who knows the person you care for.
The address to send the application form and Care Certificate to are on the application form.

Will I still get Carer's Credit if I take a break from caring?

You can still get Carer's Credit if you take a break from caring, for example if you go on holiday or you or the person you care for goes into hospital. You'll be able to get Carer's Credit if your break lasts for up to 12 weeks in a row.
If your break is going to last longer than 12 weeks in a row, you should tell the Carer's Allowance Unit or, if you live in Northern Ireland, the Disability and Carers Service. Find their contact details below.
If the person you're caring for has a terminal illness and goes into a hospice, both their disability benefits and your Carer's Credit may carry on unaffected. However, the rules around benefits when someone is in a hospice can be complicated. So it's a good idea to speak to the government departments in charge of their benefits and your Carer's Credit.

Queries about existing claims

If you have any queries about an existing Carer's Credit claim or need to report a change in circumstances or those of the person you care for:
In England, Wales and Scotland:
  • Contacting the Carer's Allowance Unit: call 0800 731 0297, textphone 0800 731 0317, Relay UK 18001 then 0800 731 0297, or visit GOV.UK to access the British Sign Language video relay service.
  • To report the death of the person you're caring for, visit GOV.UK use the Tell Us Once service.
In Northern Ireland:
  • Contact the Disability and Carers Service: call them on 0800 587 0912, textphone 0800 012 1574, email BELFASTCASTLECOURT.CAENQUIRIES@DFCNI.GOV.UK or visit nidirect to access the British and Irish Sign Language video relay services.
  • To report the death of the person you're caring for, visit nidirect to contact the Bereavement Service.

Where can I get more help?

Some benefits can affect the other benefits that you or the person you care for get, so it's important you have the right information and advice. Here are some organisations that can provide further support.
Here at Marie Curie we cannot provide information about your specific benefit claim. For all queries about claims, you'll need to contact the relevant government department.
  • Citizens Advice has trained advisers you can speak to and provides information on your rights, including benefits, housing, employment, debt, consumer and legal issues. Search the site for your nearest bureau in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
  • Carers UK and Carers Scotland provide expert advice, information and support to carers.
  • Turn2us has a search function to find benefits advisers in your area, and provides people with financial support and information on benefits and grants.
  • Macmillan Cancer Support has welfare rights advisers you can speak to, and provides practical, medical and financial support for people affected by cancer.
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Published: 25 Jun 2022
Next review date: 31 Mar 2024

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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