Caring for someone

Moving someone in bed

Published: 24 Jan 2023
Updated: 4 Aug 2024
Next review date: 31 Mar 2030
You might find that the person you’re caring for needs to stay in bed more. They might find it difficult to get comfortable or change position, and may need help to do this. It’s OK if you do not feel confident doing this yourself – there are other options and people who can support you.

Before you try to move someone in bed

If the person you’re supporting has trouble moving, you should get advice from a healthcare professional before moving them. This could be an occupational therapist, physiotherapist or district nurse.
They can check the situation and give you the right support to make sure both you and the person you care for are safe. This may involve:
  • clinical assessment of the person you’re caring for
  • getting equipment that will help you or them to move the person
  • explaining and demonstrating how to move someone safely.
If you need urgent support, or the person’s mobility has suddenly got worse, call 111 for advice. They will be able to get you the right assistance.
  • Take care of your own health. Do not move or handle someone else unless you are fit and well, and have been advised by relevant healthcare professionals.
  • Only help someone get out of bed, stand up, or walk if they cannot do it safely on their own and you’ve been shown how by a relevant healthcare professional.
  • Do not try to support all or most of the person’s weight. You could hurt both yourself and the person you’re helping.

Getting support with moving someone in bed

You may not feel confident moving someone yourself, even after speaking with a healthcare professional. Or you may be concerned the person’s needs have changed since they were last seen by a healthcare professional to assess their mobility.
This is OK and there are professionals who can offer further advice and support. Speak with a health or social care professional, such as:
  • an occupational therapist, if you are already in touch with one
  • your GP, for a referral to professionals with experience in helping people move.

Carer’s assessment

You can get a carer’s assessment from your local social care services. This is not to assess how good you are at caring, but to ask you about your needs and how being a carer impacts your life. The person you care for can also ask for an assessment.
You may find that you’re entitled to equipment or a home adaptation to help you provide care. Social services can provide equipment and training with moving and handling. You can also find equipment online.

Relieving pressure and preventing skin damage

When someone moves less, their skin can get sore or damaged more easily.
This can happen if they:
  • stay in the same position for a long time, causing soreness and numbness
  • are in contact with surfaces like bedsheets for a long time, which can cause friction
  • have moisture on their skin, like sweat, which also causes friction.
Bony areas of the body are at a higher risk of becoming damaged or sore.
This can cause the skin to break down and create pressure sores (also known as pressure ulcers, pressure damage or bed sores).
Someone may have one or more of these signs of a pressure sore:
  • Discoloured patches of skin that may not fade when you press them:
    • People with lighter skin tones may get red patches
    • People with darker skin tones may get purple or blue patches, or patches that are a different colour than the surrounding area – usually darker.
  • An area of skin that is a different temperature or feels harder or softer than the surrounding skin.
  • Swelling, pain or itchiness in the affected area.

Getting extra equipment to help move someone in bed

The GP, district nurse or occupational therapist can give information about suitable equipment. You might find it helpful to ask about:
  • bed guards and rails
  • electric profiling beds to help someone sit up (a hospital bed)
  • mattress elevators or pillow lifts to help someone sit up in their own bed
  • bed raisers to raise the height of the bed
  • slide sheets
  • hoists
  • ‘active’ mattresses with air pockets that inflate and deflate to help prevent pressure damage.
Before buying any equipment, ask a professional what would be best for the person's needs. Some equipment can be expensive and might not be necessary. Ask the person’s doctor or nurse what might help them be more comfortable or move in bed.

Practical tips to help make moving someone in bed easier

Moving someone in bed can be a hard task. It can be time consuming, and usually needs support from a trained professional. There are some tips to make it easier:
  • Keep a bag with any moving equipment in the room. This saves time and helps you act quickly if the person needs to move urgently.
  • Keep the room tidy and clear space around the bed. This can make it easier to reach and move the person.
  • Avoid loose fitting rugs. Loose fitting rugs could be a trip hazard.

If someone is spending more time in bed

As someone’s condition gets worse, they may spend more time in bed. This might be because moving hurts, or because they do not have as much energy. They may be less interested in what’s going on around them, or sleep more than usual.
It’s important to keep them comfortable. Spending more time in bed can cause pressure damage. Check their skin regularly for any signs of damage (see Relieving pressure and preventing damage above). If you’re worried, contact their nurse for a skin care assessment and advice on helpful equipment.
Keep things they need in easy reach to help them stay independent. You could think about offering a bell or using a monitor so they can call for support when they need it. An over-the-bed table can make mealtimes easier and keep things close to them.

If someone wants to get out of bed

If it’s appropriate, you can help the person to get out of bed to use the toilet, take a walk, or get some fresh air.
Some people with a terminal illness can become restless and agitated, especially towards the end of life. This can happen for many reasons. So, it’s important to get medical advice. The healthcare team can see if there’s anything causing it that can be treated.
The person you’re caring for might fidget, feel anxious, change their behaviour, or want to get out of bed. This can be hard for both of you.
Always talk to a healthcare professional before helping someone to move to avoid injuries.
You could also make the area safer so getting out of bed is less stressful. Equipment that might help includes:
  • electric profiling beds (hospital beds) to make getting out of bed easier
  • protective mats in case the person falls out of bed or near to the bed.
Speak to the person’s doctor or nurse about equipment that could be helpful (see Getting extra equipment to help move someone in bed above).

If someone cannot get out of bed

If someone cannot get out of bed, there are other ways you can help people feel more comfortable. Ask them open questions that let them share their feelings. Speak in a calm and clear voice. Comforting and reassuring them can often help them feel less restless.
You could try:
  • playing music
  • touching them gently, for example, holding their hand
  • making sure they can see a clock to help orientate them
  • giving them a bell or monitor so they can call for help
  • making their room comfortable
  • keeping the room well-ventilated
  • sticking to daytime and nighttime routines, for example turning lights off and drawing curtains at night.
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Published: 24 Jan 2023
Updated: 4 Aug 2024
Next review date: 31 Mar 2030

This information is not intended to replace any advice from health or social care professionals. We suggest that you consult with a qualified professional about your individual circumstances. Read about how our information is created and can be used.

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